onsdag 30. april 2008

This weeks Ebay find

Bare det å se på denne kjolen får meg i godt humør! Kjolen er fra ebay selger Cops in Jeans som shipper til hele verden. Blomstertrykk er i vinden som aldri før og med denne unike kjolen blir du dronningen av neste fest. Til hverdags kan du bruke den med lave gladiatorsandaler.
This weeks ebay makes me wanna dance all night! Cool floral dress from Cops in Jeans that will make you the talk of the party. Dress it down with gladiator heels for everyday use.

17 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

You are rocking this dress, Siljes! Very nice-I adore florals, too (too many Gemini quirks are still being revealed!)

Sharon sa...

Sorry Siljes-I thought that was you doing the modelling!! But you would rock in it anyway!!

Siljesfashion sa...

Haha, thats funny! Thanks Sharon

Kira Aderne sa...

wow, its really cool!

i love it and the look below with the chanel purse it´s luxury :)

a kiss and a hug!


Ella Gregory sa...

I love this! The black belt looks so hot with it!

saray sa...

great dress!
love it!

molly sa...

ooh i LOVE it! how much?

Siljesfashion sa...

Thanks Kira!

Coco, exactely what I liked as well!

Molly: Its an auction on ebay, so just checking out by clicking the link!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

eBay is sooo dangerous--everything I want suddenly appears online and it gets competitive!

Anonym sa...

ooo fun dress! and love your chanel bag below, i'm coveting one as well :)

Dollfaced Rebel sa...

Ohhh Florals, I LOVE it... Great find.

EvaAmarri sa...

Hi thanks for visiting my blog. Would u like to link?

ediot sa...

den var utrolig stilig! håper du får den!

Mira sa...

For en nydelig kjole!

Siljesfashion sa...


Once again, this is an auction on ebay. I find the goodies for you, so you dont have to look! Hope one of you get it, because its really great.

clotheshorse: I do agree, although some of my best buys are from ebay and was not expensive at all. Be a sane shopper and you will score, thats my motto.

Fashion Ivy: I will link you right away. Hope to see you back!

Ediot og Mira: Denne kjolen må dere by på! Superlekker!!

Elizabeth sa...

This is a great find. I appreciate that you troll eBay for us!

I think you should buy it! It would look fantastic on you.

ediot sa...

herlig glad kjolE! superfin.
heldig du som har värt på reisefot.
hvordan går det med magasinet ditt?
ha en fin kveld!