lørdag 26. april 2008

Queen of flea market shopping

Foto: Trine Rasmussen, Side2
Lørdag er som regel loppemarkedshopping og idag var inget unntak. Fikk noen superbra kjøp (blant annet glassene og veskene på bildet). Hvis du går til Side2 og nettavisen leser artikkelen, så ser du kuppene og kan få gode råd om loppemarkedshopping.
Saturday means hitting flea markets in the hope of finding new treasures. Today was a great day as the sun was shining, people were happy and I scored some great stuff. I was interviewed for an article about flea market shopping and you can at least see the pictures here, even if you cant read it! The glasses, the handbags, the skirt and the lovely beauty box were some of my finds.

12 kommentarer:

Elizabeth sa...

I am tagging you for the delightful 6QuirkMeme.

I'll be back to read this post in full, and to catch up on your other posts.

Marte sa...

Så herlige kjøp! Clutchene var jo kjempefine:)

Dotti sa...

Flea markets, oh yes! How did you manage to carry home all that lovely stuff? I always have problems to do moderate shopping. Not only sometimes a taxi is needed in the end...

Molly :] sa...

I absoloutely love flea markets. great finds! :) x

Ella Gregory sa...

I love those sunglasses!

Dotti sa...

Dear Silje, happy you! For me it's not quite the same, but a little walking and a natural limitation to shopping is not too bad in the end. Today it was not the flea market, but a normal market with food and flowers. I bought some cheese and vegetables and herbs and beautiful pink pinks.

ediot sa...

å- shit så göy! elsker loppemarked! vet dog ikke om noen bra i gbg der jeg bor- på loppemarkedene her er det mest skrot og elektronikk og sånt- f.eks skrivere uten blekk-- ikke så mye å ha..

Mónica sa...

your glasses are very cool

Siljesfashion sa...

enc: I am on it

marthe: Takk, var veldig fornøyd.

Dotti: Not so far from me, so did ok. And I love those markets to! My main joy in life is just to walk around, smell and take in all the colors from beautiful things..

Thanks Coco, Molly and atelier!

Ediot: Er det ingen skoler som har loppemarked eller bruktbutikker der du bor?? Da må du sørge for å få med deg det neste gang du er utenbys. Så moro!

Sharon sa...

I got a turquoise bag too, from the bootsale yesterday! Is it a Gemini thing, do you think!!

Siljesfashion sa...

Sharon Rose: Thats to funny!

Elizabeth sa...

I love flea markets. I wish I went to more of them. The good ones are just so far away!