One of the most anticipated events of OFW, the Moods of
Norway show. Held in the historic scene of Norsk Folkemuseum
at Bygdøy.
Getting ready to let people in and the goody bags.
The catwalk was build in a pool of water , so all press and celebritites had to wear rain
rubber boots. Editor in chief of "DU" Laila Madsö
and Fashion Editor Julie Kase getting ready with yours
truly to see the show.
design, patterns and their original
design inspired by Norwegian history.
Lene Nystrøm of Aqua(the group) opened the fashion show.
I enjoyed the playfulness of the collection, the colors and
bold patterns.
I can definitely see myself wearing some of
their designs.
Interesting pattern and a beautiful dress.
Cool suits, their trademark.
The Designers in their own popular design.
Moods of Norway visningen var nok den mest omtalte og dyre visningene under OFW i år. Omgivelsene på Norsk Folkemuseum satte en mystisk og spennende tone for motevisningen. Da vi kom fikk vi utdelt gummistøvler, for vi skulle sitte i vann under visningen. En morsom detalj, som viste seg å være en ganske kald opplevelse, fordi showet var en time forsinket. Men da det kom igang var det et fyrverkeri av en visning, med masse kule klær. Det jeg liker med Moods, er deres evne til å bruke norsk historie i deres design og måten de har klart å eksportere dette til utlandet. Ytterst få norske designere har hatt den succeen de har opplevd og det synes jeg er beundringsverdig. I showet var det lagt vekt designens opprinnelse og historie gjennom intervjuer med designernes besteforeldre og folkemusikk. Morsomme detaljer som gjorde hele showet svært gjennomført. På første rad satt hele norges moteelite, skuespillere og artister. Bare det sier litt om størrelsen på arrangementet og hva Moods har klart å uttrette med sin design.
Go Norway!
Moods of Norways huge fashion show, was one of the most anticpated events this year. Not only did they spend a fortune on the show, it was a great experience for the audience. I had a lot of fun and loved all their quirky entertainment. The mood was magic, and their sense of old Norwegian history came through in the collection. All in all, I thought it was a great fashion show with lots of details and fun clothes. Just like the designers themself.
PS: Thank you for all your support and nice words about my new job and the modelling!