Sundays: I miss living in Los Angeles for so many reasons. On sundays you can go shopping at the mall, Coffee Bean -the best vanilla latte in the world and go grocery shopping in the middle of the night, if you want to. And I love to go vintage shopping in the city of angels.

Blazer: H&M, Denim: H&M, Scarf: Vero Moda, Shoes: Rizzo, Clutch: Vintage, Beanie: H&M
Neste uke blir litt crazy, med full jobb og masse visninger. Det er jo OFW, så det blir mye å se. Gleder meg spesielt til å se Iselin Engans flotte kjoler, Moods sine kule antrekk og årets nye designere. Spennende!
Så litt deilig å ha en søndag til å gjøre absolutt ingenting.
Also, here are another 6 quirks of mine, due to the lovely Songy.
1. I LOVE Dirty Dancing, I have seen it maybe a 100 times and it still moves me.
2. I used to be a ballerina(really!!) and a model(print), and I am all about perfection.
3. I must check the locks about 5 times before I leave the apartment.
4. I must watch series in sequence the first time.
5. I almost always speak my mind. This always gets me in trouble!
6. I love chocolate and eat a piece everyday. Life is to short not to enjoy it!
Thats all....
27 kommentarer:
I love your red clutch!!!
Greeting from Spain and congratulations for the prize
I love chocolate, too. Are you going to take photos at fashion week? If so, I'd love to see them and read about it!
you are really fantastic, those photos are really amazing!!!
Love your classy!!!
a kiss!!
You make a gorgeous Parisian! So chic! <3
Thank you so very much, for saying you will be commenting/voting in my honor. I appreciate it more than you can know. :) Thank you!!!
I really love the print of your scarf!
what material is your blazer made from? it's very fall-ish! :)
ooo your outfit is perfect! i love beanies and your denim is amazing, i wish I could pull that off! love your quirks too :) chocolate is a must, you do only live once! and i'm not surprised you were a print model, you're absolutely gorgeous & wear clothes so well! :)
great outfit. I love the blazer, scarf and clutch
Hi Silje-a totally gorgeous outfit and you rock in these jeans!! I love the blazer and the scarf, plus the socks and sandals look-I must try this out!!
Kult antrekk! Elsker 70-talls jeans. Hva slags strømper bruker du i sandalene? Det må jeg prøve!!
Ps. Nå har jeg kjøpt kjole og sko til bryllupet på lørdag, og satser på pashmina-skjerf til som du nevnte :-)
I love your clutch. I guess missing LA is normal
ha ha.. there must have been some telepathy? I was wearing a beret today as well. You look so good!
Wide legged jeans look for comfortable and it seems like they are in fashion for SS in Australia.
I've been eyeing on your scarf I wonder if I can get that online?
I would love to exchange links! I've been looking around and this is a fabulous blog, I'm so glad you found me :) This is a fantastic casual look!
Oh, and the dress is from about a year ago, and Aritzia is a store...not sure if they have Aritzia outside of Canada though.
Love this outfit - the blazer and scarf especially!
And it's no wonder your poses and posture are always so lovely, since you were a dancer and model!!
Poster Girl: I will try, so you can see the new up and coming designers!
Thanks Kira!
Fashion Tidbits:Its velvet, and from 5 years back I think.
Sharon rose: I always do socks when its cold, I think its a great look!
Thanks Jayne, your to sweet! Hope your shopping was good?
Cecilie: Godt å høre, du blir sikkert veldig fin og passe varm. Ja bruker vanlige sokker fra H&M NÅ og ull etterhvert som det blir kaldere.
Songy: How fun! Love those kind of accessories. I am not sure they have a webshop, however F21 and H&M has great similar styles.
S: Thanks, maybe I can find it on ebay. Loved it! Glad you liked my blog as well. I will add you right away.
Couturecarrie: Thank you for that lovely comment!
"No one puts Baby in a corner!"
Takk for kommentar på bloggen :) Jeansen er fra Diesel, kjøpt på JC.
Så fin clutch :)
Stilig antrekk! =)
I love those jeans. I want to live in LA oneday.
Herlig antrekk, clutchen var superfin:)
I love everything about this casual look!
ooh i love the details of this outfit.. the beanie and the socks :) so chic as always :)
Oh wow, you look so pretty! I really enjoy your style. How are you? Hope you're well? How's the weather, is it still hot?
Elsker bloggen din og alle antrekkene dine :)
Og jeg er helt enig i at man må ha en bit sjokolade hver dag. Som du sa: "Life is to short not to enjoy it!"
This is such a great look on you. The brown jacket makes me want to bundle up for fall. The red clutch is a hot counterpoint to the colors, too.
I will be looking forward to seeing what you find in the upcoming flea market season. I know you'll get some superb stuff.
I miss living in US too, I lived in NJ for a year and I've been missing NYC, starbucks, the malls and everything really badly...
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