For en stund siden ble jeg intervjuet av Sunniva bak bloggen StyleSpot . Hun lager en serie med intervjuer av motebloggere og jeg var en av de heldige som ble plukket ut. Nå har jeg akkurat lest intervjuet og det var utrolig bra. Ikke bare har Sunniva "sense of style", hun har en veldig spennende og underholdene penn. Aner jeg en motejournalist på trappene? Jeg tror det..Gleder meg til å høre hva dere synes.
A while back I was a interviewed by the lovely Sunniva, of StylSpot. I just read it, and I am more than happy with the way it turned out. Sunniva has a great sense of style and she is a marvelous writer (a fashionjournalist in the making?).So, I was never worried that she would turn my interview into something less than fabolous. You can read the interview here. I am amazed by all the lovely comments and humbly accept them all. Thank you so much for featuring me on your blog, Sunniva!
21 kommentarer:
oo great interview! I love how you have this infinitely chic sense of style, but its not that pretentious. You're just a natural who's biggest lesson to the blogosphere is to wear what you want and be yourself :)
Hi Silje-Yes, I checked this out earlier, its a fabulous interview with a gorgeous lady-you've been showcased beautifully!!
The interview and pics are incredible - love it!
yeah its really a good interview :) You have a style thats like no one elses' I love your looks!
what a fabulous interview (with great pictures, of course!). i think you really were portrayed accurately and i think your description of your style couldn't be more spot on - laidback 70's/rock chic!
That was a great interview. I think she really understood you and allowed "you" to shine.
I read the interview earlier, and totally agree that Sunniva is brilliant at writing, and the kindest lady ever. We all love your style as well!
Flott intervju, og bra svar. Blir skikkelig inspirert når jeg leser det du skriver:)
Congratulations, you really deserve to have a spot in the fashion world. I'm gonna read this interview right now! (I'm a journalist too jejeje)
great interview. i think i should interview some of my favorite bloggers to get a sense of where they are coming from. great post.
I love StyleSpot. Great interview!
I just fell in love with you wearing the blue jacket and a hat! That will probably occupy my blog. You don't mind do you?
Silje, thank you so incredibly much! You are such a sweet and wonderful person and you deserve each and every single of the compliments that you get for your amazing style! Thank you for taking the time to do the interview, and I have to say that I got so flattered when I read that you think I should pursue a career as a fashion journalist - I would so love to do that, and it means a lot to hear it from somebody else! Silje, du er super, kjære deg!
Congrats on the interview Silje, I really enjoyed reading it! You have one of the most fantastic collections of clothing I've ever seen - all your dresses are so covetable!
great interview!!
<3 melmo
hun er kjempeflink og koselig :)
så göy! det skjer mye spennende for deg :) herlig. jo tyrkia var herlig- varmt og deilig. vannet var jo perfekt.nesten for varmt..
håper du får en fin helg
a kiss for you, congratulations!!!
Silje, congratulations! You are a style icon to me - all the way in southern California :)
Totally a great interview with lots of lovely pics and outfits! Congratulations!
Utrolig flott intervju om en utrolig flott dame!
stå på!
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