lørdag 2. august 2008

Anna Sui: Another Fall Favorite

A hippie dream of a collection, made in
the realms of inspiration from the late
sixties, early 70s and a true delight
for all senses.

Purple is huge for fall and an instant
style fix, is a scarf or a pair of tights in
this color. Vamp it up with different shades
of purple in your whole outfit, like seen here.

The blues are electric and jeweled and
another great color to wear this season.

Velvet is back and looking better than
ever. I myself have a couple of jackets
in the basement from the last time this
trend was around. Mu choices regarding
this trend is: Velvet blazers, a handbag
or boots.

I enjoy the mixing of patterns. Its a fun
and laidback style.

Fringes will be even bigger this fall than
it was this summer, so get yourself a
handbag, boots or a belt in this style.

All photos: Style

Anna Sui var en av mine andre favoritter denne sesongen. Kolleksjonen er en blanding av hennes inspirasjon av sent 60tall, tidlig 70 talls, indianerstil og luksushippie. Fløyel, gull, frynser, lilla, blått og brunt er bare noen av elementene vi kan se i i kolleksjonen, som er et fryd for øyet.
Jeg ønsker meg selv en av kjolene, som man enkelt kan dresse opp og ned i høst. I tillegg tenker jeg å lage et kult belte i samme type mønster, bare jeg får tak i et fint stoff. Er du på budsjett anbefaler jeg at du kjøper en frynseveske, et belte(eller lager et!)eller kjole som ligner, feks fra H&M.

Anna Sui was another of my fall favorites of the catwalk this season. I love the textures of velvet, gold, leather and fringes. The electric blue and purple is a delight, and I cant wait to get my hands on a dress, they were all soo beautiful. I like the fact that shes not afraid of using different tones of the same color, it gives the collection a playful vibe. The details and patterns is reminissence of a late 60s-70s style, which of course appeals to me:-
According to Sui, the collection was inspired of a collection of Tiffanys glasses she looked at before she startet designing. As an avid glasscollector myself, I understand were she found that wonderful inspiration.

21 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

What a gorgeous collection!! These dresses are truly inspirational for Autumn. Everytime I think of purple, I think of you-haha!! Velvet blazers are a great investment for Autumn, if I see any thrifting, I may be very tempted-great post, Silje!!

Ida Eidsvåg sa...

Elsker bloggen din!

Marte sa...

antrekk nummer 2 var herlig:)

Kira Aderne sa...

really beautiful!
I love that tendencie!!

a kiss!!!

Tricia sa...

i've loved Anna Sui ever since a friend wore one of her dresses at her wedding - hippy and romantic, she looked perfect.


Amazing pieces! Anna Sui always creates dreamy dresses :-)


Elizabeth sa...

I can definitely see why/how this look is appealing to you, it's got you written all over it. I will look forward to seeing you interpret it.

Songy sa...

colours! really rich colours.. that is in this season? gosh I really need to work on colours. all I've been doing so far is venturing into buying some vibrant coloured accessories..
so much inspiration and so little time.. I'll definitely try purple and chocoalte!


Ella Gregory sa...

I love Anna Sui. I am never let down by her collections.

Songy sa...

hi silje I tagged you .. hope it's okay. :)


Jill sa...

Love the colours and prints. Definetly some beautiful garments!

..... sa...

i love the prints !! very cavalli but less jungle !! nice !
ps : and the models are so hot

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

I love the rich textures. Blues and purples are two of my favorite colors.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

I love Anna Sui as well! I went into an Anna Sui shop once too (just to ogle) and it was so pretty and unique inside.

Times of Glory sa...

Dear, you are really Carrie. I can imagine you having some of Anna Sui dresses on... Her dress is like you, simply stylish and fun xxxxxxxxx


It's not really my style even but I'm happy that velvet is back.

Angela sa...

anna sui is one of the designers i will go to knowing i can find interesting prints and elements.

ryder sa...

anna made this fall perfect

ryder sa...

anna sui made this fall really pretty

Anonym sa...

i love Anna Sui! her colections are always so fun and unique and perfect

Anonym sa...

hei eg lurte på ein ting. har funnet en herrejakke som jeg vil kjøpe på en amerikansk side, men greier ikke kontakte dem. hva kan jeg gjøre? siden het www.l-r-g.com og jakken het "night in Tokio"