torsdag 14. august 2008

"DU" Denne Uken

Endelig kan jeg si at jeg har fått meg ny jobb i "DU" eller"Denne Uken" som journalist. Med en fantastisk redaksjon, vil bladet gi leserne det aller siste innen kjendisnyheter, moter, livsstil og underholdning. Helt ulikt noe blad som finnes i Norge idag. Var på Dieselvernissage igår, men det er litt hektisk om dagen, så har ikke fått opp noen bilder ennå. Ny visning ikveld. Moro!

Its official at last! My new job as a journalist in the know of celebs and fashion, at the new Norwegian Magazine "DU"(which basically means "You"-this week). Its very exciting and and a very competent group of people that stands behind the magazine. I dont want to give to much away yet, just share the news. I went to the Diesel party last night and it was a blast. See pictures here(its me at the very bottom).It was a vernissage, with lots of fabolous fashion people. Tonight I am off to another fashion show, and its crazy hectic, so I apologize for not posting any pictures yet. Also, I met with a Danish girl about some new exciting brands, not even yet on the Norwegian market(!!). More to come.

16 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Many congratulations on your new job-you must be so thrilled and excited!! I am soo pleased for you and although things are hectic, they sure sound like fun too-very well done, dear Silje!!

Ida sa...

Congratulations, dearest Silje! You definitely deserve it, and I am so happy for you.

Enjoy the parties, and show us pictures as soon as you can.


Anonym sa...

Grattis! Gleder meg til å høre mer. :-)

Dakota77 sa...

Silje, my congratulations! I'm so happy for you. I wish you all the best in your new job!
I'm also soo envious;-)

Songy sa...

good lord. congratulations!!!! how fabulous. I'm sure it will be a blast and a lot of fun (and work) also.

good luck hope all goes well.
can't wait to see the pics.


AlicePleasance sa...

Congratulations Silje!! It sounds really like a great great new job :-)

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

Oh my goodness, the best of congrats to you - that's so cool!
Sounds like you're having loads of fun :)

Anonym sa...

CONGRATS! you deserve it, you have an impeccable eye for style :)

Anonym sa...

congratulations! that's so exciting...can't wait to hear more about the job! xxx

Hanne sa...

Leste akkurat om det nye bladet, det blir spennende:) Nye blader tas definitivt imot med takk:)

Marte sa...

Gratulerer så masse Silje :)

Siljesfashion sa...

Thank you for all those wonderful words, ladies! Its so great to experience this kind of support!
Thanks a million,
Love Silje


Oh I am happy to hear that you have a new job, dear Silje!

Have a fantastic weekend!


Elizabeth sa...


This job sounds perfect for you.

Tonia sa...

Er det en sånn Nylon-aktig type blad? Gratulerer med en ny og spennende jobb. Når og hvor blir det mulig å få takk i bladet?

Anne sa...

Uuuh, er det danske mærker? Og tillykke!