All girls need at least another pair of shoes.
These almost look equivalent to Dorothys slippers,
if you ask me. Eye candy at it most fab in the art
of Christian Louboutin at netaporter.

These are another pair that I am lusting after.
These slouch synthetic suede boots from Stella McCartney,
would be perfect with any of my vintage dresses.
Begge disse støvlettene appelerer til meg denne høsten. Stella McCartneys syntetiske semskede skinnboots passer til det meste i garderoben min og er et sikkert valg. Men de rosa Christian Louboutin ankelstøvlettene appelerer til min indre diva og vil helt klart gjøre meg glad hver gang jeg tar de på! Hvilke par er din favoritt?
Both of these boots post some serious eye candy with me. The Chiristian Louboutins are are perfect way to inject color into fall, while the Stella McCartney boots will be perfect with every dress I own (not to mention all the paysley skirts and dresses I plan on buying). They remind me of something Penny Lane would wear in Almost Famous. Which pair do you prefer and why? Whats your most coveted item for fall?
PSST: Tomorrow I have to TV interviews, TheVoice at 16.00 and OSLOTV, TVNorge at 1730.
25 kommentarer:
I looove those Stella McCartney boots but I'm quite surprised their suede knowing her strong vegetarian belief!
My mistake, forgot to write synthetic suede! Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
Ay carumba -- $800 for faux? I don't think so Stella...maybe I'll wait till they go on sale :-)
I need a pair of Louboutin, for sure!!!
have a great day friend!
The pink boots are gorgeous. I love the button detail. For fall I really want a motorcycle jacket with lots of zippers, some vintage distressed men's Levi's, a red plaid top or skirt, and some work boots.
Louboutin selvfølgelig! Herlige ankelstøvletter!!
Nydelige støvletter :)
I love them both, they are so different that it's hard to choose but the Louboutin, for sure, are to die for.
Stella! you can wear them with so much and i love a slouchy boot - and yes, it's a little rock-n-roll!
Louboutin´ene var helt nydelige. Om jeg bare hadde en beundrer som ville kjøpe de til meg!
Elsker laboutinsene, helt klart, men de fra Stella er nok mer praktiske =P
**Edit: Louboutinsene. Jeg burde seriøst legge meg nå.
I know what you mean about the Stella boots looking good with all your dresses - I agree...and they look like something you would wear over and over again.
All that being said....I'd love to have the Louboutins :)
Good luck with the interviews!!!
oh my, i need those pink shoes! now!
i'm seriously lusting after ankle booties and these pink ones are amazing! check out the ones i posted about today!
Those are both superb, I see why you want them. My eyes nearly popped when I saw them.
The Louboutins are such a beautiful color. I find Stella to be priced incredibly high relative to other designers in her bracket, especially considering the faux materials. I don't quite get what's going on with the pricing there.
I want those boots, soooo dreamy!
this is soo cute!!! :) eeek... i feel like i wanna hold it than wear it on my feet! hehe :) btw, loving ur posts.. and all ur outfits. ill come back more often once im settled!:)
gosh I adore stella mccartney so much...especially since it's animal skin-free!
I needddddd those pink boots.
ahhhhh they are beautiful.
lusting face.
I love the pink booties but the
2nd pair are so versatile and will go with so much more-I really like them!!
those boots are seriously good looking.. spring is coming closer.. i'll have to see if I could score some bargain at the end of season sales maybe? I just can't wear pink.. no matter what. I look absolutely ridiculous. maybe I could try dusty pink (like the colour from your ZARA bag?)
it's amusing how Stella gets to charge over 700 for a pair of 'synthetic' boots. :)
TV interviews? yay.. cool hope all goes well... you do that often enough tho don't you?
Stella McCartney-bootsene var nyyydelige!
Nyyyydelige!!!!!Jeg vil ha:)
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