Last night we had our anniversary dinner
to celebrate our first year as a married

Wedding Bliss: Free of charge
Dress: Vintage
Handbag: Vintage Chanel
Shoes: Guess
Bracelets: Vintage
Igår var vi ute å feiret vår et års bryllupsdag, som egentlig er idag. Bestemte meg for å bruke denne grønne vintagekjolen, som er en av mine favoritter. Den var opprinnelig gulvlang, men jeg fikk den lagt opp så jeg kunne bruke den oftere. Litt usikker på om jeg angrer på det eller ikke. Fargen er helt fantastisk og kommer egentlig ikke helt frem på bildet. Senere ikveld skal jeg publisere bryllupsspesialen, men nå skal jeg feire et års bryllupsdag med mannen min i solen. Ha en fantastisk søndag!
I love to get dressed up and go out to celebrate. Its such a great way of either marking an event or just have a little luxury in your everyday life. Yeasterday we celebrated our one year of marriage(which is really today!), and we had a fabolous time. I decided to wear this dress that I love, but have not worn in a long time. It was so warm that I couls wear it withouth a jacket, which was nice. I love this green colour and it used to be as long as my blue maxidress, but I had it hemmed. I am not sure if I regret the decision, somtimes I do sometimes I dont. Yeasterday, it was just perfect. I think the leopard shoes really goes with this colour, so I was very happy with my look. I will post the wedding special later this evening. Right now, I am going to enjoy life in the sun with my husband.
34 kommentarer:
Gratulerer så mye, du ser flott ut! Håper dere hadde en hyggelig kveld. Lengden på kjolen er jo perfekt til deg - den var sikkert fin gulvlang også men det er nok som du sier, kjolen passer til flere anledninger når den er kortere.
Grattis med bryllupsdag! Og du så fantastisk ut :-)
Skinnskjørtet er fra h&m.
Hi Silje-glad to hear you're having a wonderful anniversary weekend! The green dress looks superb-a great vintage and lovely colour!
Gratulerer kjempe masse med bryllupsdagen, kjære deg!
Elsker kjolen din, fargen er helt nydelig! Og det var et smart valg å legge den opp siden da kan du bruke den mye oftere :)
Happy anniversary!! My wedding anniversary was on August 21st :)
I think the green dress is at a perfect length and matches great with the leopard shoes.
Enjoy your time in the sun together, darling.
Å så fin du var! Gratulerer:)
wow love the dress, stunning color on you! and congrats!
And your fierce leopard shoes are perfectly in harmony with your stainless allure of "urban feline" (???!!!)Mmmh Mmmh . . . The definition is on my blog ("archives" from 16 août) . . .
ps: Happy Anniversary !!!
A Bientôt, Antoine
how lovely. the green dress looks great on you. Maxi version would have been divine as well.
It is a special time 1yr anniversary... I had that 10 years ago. :)
that jeweled mint color is fantastic on you! and congrats on the first of many happily married years! xxx
Gratulerer med bryllupsdagen! :)
Kjolen er kjempefin - elsker fargen!
I always say blue is your color, but this green is really wonderful on you, too.
You really know what dress shapes suit you.
Hei Silje. Gratulerer med dagen!! Kjenner du noen danske moteblogger det er verdt å lese? Er jo flere svenske,men danske har jeg ikke kommet over ennå..
Happy Anniversary!:-). THat dress looks gorgeous on you.
You look gorgeous in green!!
aww congrats!
the colour of the dress is amazing!
Gratulerer så mye! Kjolen er nydelig!! :) Ha en fin kveld!
Thank you for those kind words ladies, you are all so sweet!
Janicke: Leser ingen danske selv, desverre. Men alle de jeg har link til er veldig bra, synes jeg. Kan du ikke søke på modeblogger på dk?
Oh, happy anniversery! How sweet.
gratulerr.. kan du ikke legge ut noen brudebilder da?
Happy Anniversary =]. The leopard print shoes do look great with the dress!
to reiterate- the best things in life are free
Congratulations! The green color is very flattering on you. Enjoy!
yep happily married for 11 years. I'm an old bag. :)
as for the pink bag.. I have no idea! It's available in the site(page)below..
I just know that the quality of their bags are brilliant. It could well be that the design is copied from a famous brand. That's what usually happen in Korea. They don't make couterfeit bags but they do 'borrow' designs (well as all other labels do). Sorry that the site is in Korean but it's made with quality cow leather and the finishing is great... anyway.. I do look around Korean sites a lot as prices are very reasonable for the quality you can get. That bag is less than $150 AUD. For me I'm not fussed whether it's brand or not (certainly wouldn't want to buy fakes with logos all over the design)... but if I was buying a Gucci I'd definately pay the money as in the end that's what you're buying not just the bag.
gratulerer! du ser så flott ut! takk for svar om fashionweek-
jeg trodde det meste bare handla om innbydelser og slikt jeg- til motevisninger og sånn- men det der skal jeg def. tenke på! takk
ha en fin dag
Gratulerer! Antrekket var flott :)
Happy anniversary, dearest Silje! Naturally, you were looking ace on the dinner date with your husband, perfection in green. You make married life look enviable:)
Elsker kjolen din og den vintage Chanel vesken.
Mvh Michelle
Not only do you look absolutely stunning and beautiful, what a beautiful thing it is to be in love with the one you're spending your life with!
Many congratulations and happiness to you!
Gratulerer med bryllupsdagen! Kjolen din er fantastisk!
You look so beautiful! I am happy that you had great anniversary. Wish you all the best and lots of happiness!
The shape and colour of that dress are stunning on you, Silje! I also love that you paired it with those fab leopard pumps!
So beautiful and congratulations!!!!
I have a dress just like that!!!!
a kiss!!!!
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