torsdag 14. august 2008

Steilmann Fashion Show

In this old building the brand Steilmann, had
their fashion show this year.

The catwalk was in the garden(on the grass)
so the customers could see the fashion show,
while enjoying food and drinks.

Thomas, one of the models

Anne Lene, another model in Steilmann

Iselin(dont you just love her name?) in one
of the designs I really liked. Casual chic.

Yours truly. Dress by Steilmann summer 2009

As a model you can experience many things. Very fast changes of clothing, running from one point to another, but looking calm, walking in high heels on grass, being 4 sizes smaller than the actual clothing, getting stuck in zippers and many other weird things. I still do some fashion shows as a model, but very few. I love the energy and I do it when I know the clothes fit well and the people are lovely. A minor crisis lead me to do the show tonight, so I did not get to take pictures from the actual show. However, tomorrow I promise you good stuff, as the designers I am seeing are some of the best Norwegian designers in the game.

15 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

the models must hate make them all look bad!

Anonym sa...

wow you modeled tonight!? awesome! you definitely show them all up haha ;)

Songy sa...

so it happens minor disaster. I think that's what makes that business so exciting. must admit i secretly like that chaotic nature of all things.

they were lucky to have you there then. did anyone get you in the runway? i mean pictures. :)

Siljesfashion sa...

Haha, thanks girls! Songy, There were tons of photographers, so I going to try to get some pic.

Siljesfashion sa...

Haha, thanks girls! Songy, There were tons of photographers, so I going to try to get some pic.

Sharon sa...

haha Silje-Is there no end to your many talents!! You look gorgeous in this blue dress, it is a very nice collection with the other pieces you've shown too!! Have a great weekend-I think you will be kept very occupied with all things fashion-well done!!

Ida sa...

You modeled at the show? Fantastic! It must be so thrilling when you feel all eyes on you, and are wearing such a wonderful blue dress. Looking better than ever, Silje!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

You look absolutely stunning! The blue suits you beautifully. Continue having a great time at the fashion week!!!!

Ashleigh sa...

wow you look so beautiful!!

Couture Carrie sa...

Yay Silje!
You are my hero; you do such amazing things and keep such a level head about it!
These are lovely, casual designs and you look beautiful!



You are so talented! And you look absolutely fantastic!


Elizabeth sa...

Blue is definitely your color. You look beautiful, as always.

Style Spot sa...

så artig at du gikk modell da, du er jo så nydelig og du bærer virkelig den blåe kjolen med glans ;)

Ida Eidsvåg sa...


ediot sa...

for en fantastisk kjole- og du ser helt GREAT ut. gratulerer med moteshow!