I know that this post will probably give
room for a discussion, because I have
observed that every time Rachel Zoes name
pops up, everybody has an opinion about
her, positive or negative. But mostly, negative.

I must say that I have always liked her
style and the way she dresses her celebs,
even though I think she looks like a
starving cartoon figure in need of some
serious hamburgers.

I think she knows her style very well,
and the 70s vibe she often portrays
with a long flowing gown or a jumpsuit
is always spot on.

I love this outfit. The 70s style with
the widelegged jeans, the kaftan, the
platforms and the denim Chanel is
perfect for a day of shopping.

Zoe probably has one of the best vintage
dress collections in the world. I would
love to have a look inside her closet!

All Images: Style
Alle elsker å hate Rachel Zoe. Hun er stylisten som angivelig fikk Nicole Richie og Mischa Barton til å sulte seg halvt ihjel. Men for meg, er hun en inspirasjonskilde, spesielt når det gjelder hennes fantastiske samling av vintagekjoler. Man kan si hva man vil, men jeg synes nå hun har stil og vet hva som fungerer. For eksempel synes jeg hun har gjort underverker for stilen til Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Garner og Cameron Diaz på den røde løperen.
Everybody loves to hate this girl. And I do understand that. She has made some weird choices(for herself and the celebs she morphed into superstardom), however there is no denying that the girl does got a great taste in clothes. Do you know anyone else with that selection of vintage dresses? I love to look at pictures of her and be inspired. Yes, I do think she is inspirational because she mixes things up in a playful and fun way. And after all, isnt fashion about having fun? I know a great dress always puts me in a fabolous mood!
23 kommentarer:
A great post, as you know it is quite thought provoking featuring this lady!! I don't dislike her-I think she definitely has an eye for vintage and luckily for her, a seemingly endless supply of money to turn it into a full time obsession/job/hobby-lucky her I say!! She is too skinny, but thats her choice-I still feel she has a really covetable wardrobe and I think Silje, we would have a field day if we could have a rummage-haha!! Hope to see you in your wide legged jeans this week!
Haha Sharon, I could not agree more! I agree, we would have a fabolous time rummaging her closet!
hmm, so true, to have a day in her vintage closet!Although i doubt i'd fit into any of it...love the caftan look best too.
I don't really get why people hate her. No one knows much about her. But I adore her style.
Ahh elsker stilen hennes! Hun inspirerer virkelig. Og som du selv sier: hun må ha verdens beste kolleksjon når det gjelder vintage kjoler! Hadde gjerne kunne tenke meg å få tatt en titt i det klesskapet ;)
Zoe should be both loathed and celebrated, which is what she is, i guess! Loathed for her super skinny, super tanned/blonde obsession and just too much of that seventies hippy thing but celebrated for her love of vintage fashion and some of the ideas she has brought back into the mainstream like layered hippy necklaces for example.
Frankly the "Boho CHIC-issimes" Dresses of the two last pictures seems to be made for you, as a stylish way to awaken the "seventies creature" who slumbers in You !!!
A Bientôt, Antoine
i think she has great outfits and a very cool style... :)i would love to have her clothes!!!
You kind of remind me of her, except of course, way prettier. ^_^
Thanks for the comment, love! ♥
Anyone who is extremely popular in their field of choice will have admirers and haters.
I think Rachel Zoe is talented to some degree. I agree that she knows her style very well and she has access to some very beautiful clothes, but I'm not sure she always gets it right with her clients.
The black jumpsuit she's wearing here is perfect and the last dress is undeniably gorgeous!
she looks much better now that she's had her face smoothed out!
I've always liked her style though, despite the fact that she could use a few fatty burgers!
I agree with everything you've said here. She has style, but she's in dire need of some healthy weight.
i agree...though her antics seem a bit sketchy, i do love how she dresses the actresses! even her style is amazing with her messy hair, bohemian vibe. fabulous post!
Her style, in my mind, is in an individual category. She just has a bunch of different outfits.
Rachel Zoe might be the most controversial lady in the world of style, as you said her name touches off different sentiments of lave and hate. I'm not favouring one side or another, cause i must admit her style is creative and i love the '70 accents of her mises. She totally made over her customers from next door girls (or the worst dressed girl, thinking in Nicole Richie during The Simple life...) to stars of fashion. Nevertheless paying attention in those girls you can't take no notice in the unbelievable slimness. That made of Rachel Zoe a controversial trend setter and her has long been accused of promoting unhealthy body images.
I prefer pay attention in her style, other girls are only style-clones and when they left her, Mischa Barton for example, their look became nothing special.
I agree with jen, her face looks better now. Before that looking at her made me afraid of the future and aging. Her style on the other hand is a completely different subject, I like her clothes. But I like the way she dresses young celebrities even more.
Hadde ikke hatt noe i mot en dag i garderoben hennes!! Men skal være ærlig, jeg elsker å hate henne..fordi hun er litt skummel. Jeg hadde bedt henne på middag..
.. et par tusen ganger.. med dessert!
Har kjøpt boka hennes, Style A to Zoe, og liker boka godt. Jeg liker også stilen hennes men det er dessverre ikke noe å kopiere - blir ikke antydning til gyllen og brun og da må jeg finne på noe annet :-)
I have to say I either love a Zoe look or I hate it...usually on the hate side but I do like a couple of the pics you featured here.
I'll race you to her closet any day...
i really like her style! but I think she always looks so old...
jeg må få si at jeg synes Zoe er fantastisk!! en stor inspirasjonskilde for folk verden over, en som viirkelig vet hva hun driver med. og i hollywood er vel inger uskyldige uansett, eller hva...
She is epitome of 70s chic :) Nicole definatly got some pointers from her, with slight alterations.
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