tirsdag 12. august 2008

Oslo Fashion Week 2008

I had the hardest time getting pictures from were
I was sitting. So, I considered not even publishing

However, I think they are kind of fun. And the
summer collection for 2009, was just that.

I loved the colors, the pink, green and reds.
The green peacock dress here is a favorite from
Norwegian Designer Leila Hafzi. She makes the
most amazing dresses.

The blue shoes against the mustard
dress, gives an interesting edge.

Red mania.
OFWs trendvisning var en spennende smakebit på hva vi kan forvente oss neste sommer. Fargene rosa, rød, grønn og blå gikk igjen på catwalken. Elsket de lekre kjolene til Laila Hafzi og spesielt den grønne asymmetriske påfuglkjolen. Beklager de dårlige bildene, men det var vanskelig(!!) å ta bilder fra der jeg satt. Noen stjal goodybagen min(!!) men jeg fikk en ny på vei ut. Husk at der er gratis og åpent for alle på OFWs visninger. Se program her.

Good evening fashiongirls! I am just home from the the opening of Oslos Fashion Week. Very exciting and fun. Lots of great inspiration for next summer. Pink, light green, blue and reds were some of the dominating colors on the catwalk. I liked some of the designs, especially the lovely dresses from Laila Hafzi. Someone stole my goddybag in the break, however I got a new one on the way out. Liked the makeup brushes from Maxfactor. More (and better!!!)pictures and updates to come during the week. See some scenes from the show here(and what the Norwegian celebs was wearing.)

24 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

the blue & orange is quite striking!

Hilde N sa...

Jeg har også lyst til å prøve å komme meg på en visning, og får mer lyst når jeg ser bildene dine - og ikke minst når jeg hører ordet goodybag :)

Tonia sa...

Så heldig du er! Og begynner å glede meg til neste sommer, jeg =D

Anonym sa...

i actually like how the pictures are a bit blurry...adds a cool feel to the shots!

Songy sa...

oh cool so I get to see how it's all done. I was going to do an update on perth fashion festival soon in my blog but I think I might be getting a media delegate pass.. hopefully i will have a better time taking shots then. fingers crossed. its great that you get to see next summer's look.. I'll probably only get to see up coming season stuff but not say 2009 winter.. well well we will see.

can't wait to read more of your report on the Oslo shows!

Tuppene sa...

Åå.. Nå fikk jeg skikkelig lyst til å ta meg en tur på visning jeg også. Visste ikke at det var åpent for alle! Da er det vel bare å trekke i penklærne:D

Style Spot sa...

Oi så mye fint! Er enig med deg at den grønne påfuglkjolen ser helt super ut, og fargen er jo helt nydelig!

Tusen takk for mailen forresten, skal få ut intervjuene så fort som mulig!


Lady Melbourne sa...

Can't wait to see more of your coverage!

Vertiginoso sa...

Actually, the atmosphere seems to be more human than in others "Fashion Weeks", like a friendly excitement (with the exception of your bag's misfortune) . . .

A Bientôt, Antoine

Mónica sa...

I love the first picture, even if you can barely see, the movement reflected is great.
It's very nice that you got invited to the fashion week. congrats;)

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

I kind of really love those first few blurry pictures - there's a real style to them :)
That peacock dress looks DIVINE. I would wear something like that every day of my life if I could.
Have fun at Oslo Fashion Week!

Couture Carrie sa...

Lucky girl! Thanks for sharing these :)
Love the red tights look!


Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-what a wonderful opportunity to capture these collections!! I particularly love the peacock dress-very nice indeed! Thanks for sharing all your lovely pictures and look forward to the next installemt!!

Marie rocks my socks sa...

likte godt den første! Bildet og, til tross for litt blurryness=)


Cool that you were at the fashion show. Looking forward to see more pics!


Anonym sa...

den helröda outfiten såg riktigt häftig ut, om den däremot hade varit svart så hade den varit väldigt tråkig. mer rött åt folket!

..... sa...

some nice things here !! if only the pic werent blurred

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

Oh how I wish I was there too...

annabananna sa...

lucky girl! and i somehow really like the blurry pictures! :)

Fashion Tidbits sa...

sometimes i just love it when you incorporate two totally out-of-the ordinary colours into one's outfit! i love the clash effect

Elizabeth sa...

I'm glad you showed your photos, because they have such motion! Every look was fluid and exciting.

NewlyInspired sa...

Lucky you!!! Great looks on the runway.

Kira Aderne sa...

this green dress is fantastic and i am happy you were there!

a kiss!!!

Salatbolla sa...

Det var mye stilig på OFS synes jeg! =) jeg vil å dra å se! ;)
ha en fin helg!