mandag 2. februar 2009

Bargain of The Week: Big Earrings

Earrings from AsosVintage earrings from Velouria Vintage, Top: Victoriassecret, Jeans: Citizen of Humanity.

Store øredobber (og gjerne vintage), er en av vårens trender. Mine i svart og sølv fant jeg på Velouria Vintage til litt over hundrelappen. Ikke bare er de fantastisk fine, de pynter opp etthvert hverdagsantrekk eller den lille sorte på fest. De fargerike øredobbene fra Asos er en annen favoritt, som passer bra til sommerens bohemlook.

This weeks bargain is another trend I predict will be on trend for Spring, statement earrings. There is no need to put those necklaces away just yet, but these oh so fabulous earrings can dress up any outfit, night or day. I bought the ones I am wearings at the vintage store Velouria Vintage in Oslo, but you can find quite similar styles on ebay. I also like the ones from Asos, perfect colors for summer.

16 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

you looks sooo nobly! love sa...

Hi Silje,

Your shirt and earrings are fashionable. I adore! Great choice, Silje!

xoxo and hug: Janet

anette sa...

Så fine de øredobbene fra Asos var! Må sjekke ut den linken. Likte også toppen fra VS! Stilig antrekk!

Fashion Addict sa...

Oh those earrings look lovely on you and I love the Victoria's Secret top as well.

BTW, I'm hosting a Valentine's Day contest at my blog and I would love it if you entered! Please check back at my blog ( for more details!

Unknown sa...

those earrings are really nice looking, i think suits your style.

Tricia sa...

you look great in those, I just can't wear big earrings, sadly!

Anonym sa...

Oh those are so fun!! You look great in them :)

Angela sa...

i agree with you, statement pieces should be trendy this season. sa...

Those earrings are lovely! I adore your sweater!

Make Do Style sa...

Those ASOS earrings are gorgeous and a great colour combination.

Yours look far superior!!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-big earrings are in, such a lovely trend! I do like yours my dear!

Anonym sa...

I love these earrings! I'm always a big fan of big and colorful earrings--they really make a basic outfit chic. Thanks for posting!

paperbag sa...

great blog!!

ivoreece sa...

The earrings are very pretty!

Mimi sa...

Stunning earrings!


Some Like it sa...

I have always loved big earings, especially what they call the 'chandelier' style! Thanks!