mandag 9. februar 2009

Bargain of The Week

Elsker denne smokingjakken fra H&M. Den kan brukes til alt. Perfekt til slitte jeans, olashorts, over vintagekjoler eller med en kul tee og tights. PS: Bestiller du noe fra nettsiden deres innen 14 februar får du 20 prosent rabatt.

I am in love with this wonderful jacket from H&M. Unfortunately they dont have it in my size. I love the versatility, you can dress any outfit up and down with this jacket. I would wear it over my vintage dresses, with my acid wash jeans, or with a rock tee and liquid leggings.

20 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

its a timeless basic!
greetings from Mexico :)

Daniella sa...

Wow, that's H&M? Amazing, I love it. I also really enjoy your sweater in the post below!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-My tux jacket is by Anne Klein, which I got at the boot sale about 3 years ago for £5. This version is gorgeous, they really are timeless classics

Anonym sa...

not possible, h&m has done it! amazing, linx eyes!!

anette sa...

Elsker sånne jakker! Min forrige hadde jeg i 10 år, til den gikk i oppløsning! Har ennå ikke funnet en ertstatning. Takk for linken! Veldig hyggelig!!

Anonym sa...

I have to get to H&M....I've been commenting like crazy on all things to do with blazers and tuxedos--I think I've just found my perfect one (and for a bargain)! Perfect!

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

that jacket is truly a you have other h&ms near you that you can visit? one of the nicest things about LA is that there are about 4 stores within 10 miles.

Vintage Lollipops sa...

So sleek and chic... I love it. H&M is such a infinite treasure chest!

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka sa...

jag är på jakt efter en kavaj till våren! sa...

WOW, I love it. I fall in love similar Pinko tux jacket, but its cut is tailcoat... :)

Have a great day, Silje

xoxo and hugs: Janet

ediot sa...

åh, jeg tror den skulle passe deg perfekt! håper du finner den allikevel!

Eri sa...

Very YSL! Great for H&M, impressed actually.
Congrats on the magazine article :)
See you soon.

Angela sa...

it's a very interesting jacket. i have the mix of materials.

Mimi sa...

Love blazers like this, and if it's from H&M is even more amazing!


Jacqueline sa...

It's been a very long since I stopped by hear. Great find, you cannot go wrong with a tuxedo jacket. Why don't you have it made, if you cannot find it in your size? Hope you're well.

Anonym sa...

I love that jacket - though I must admit I'm in love with all tux jackets and blazers :)

h sa...

this is amazing i can't believe it is from h&m!!


I absolutely need a tuxedo jacket! So lovely! And it's true that you can dress any outfit with this kind of jacket.

Make Do Style sa...

I have one from H&M that I've had for 5 years it was worth every penny - so great to wear!

Nil sa...

Wow, perfect jacket! I wish we have H&M in my country too