lørdag 7. februar 2009

So 80s

Sweater: Gina Tricot, Jeans: Zara, Boots: Lille Vinkel
Fy søren som et snøvær det var idag. Allikevel våget jeg meg ut en tur for litt shopping og lunch. Fikk en kul blazer til litt over hundrelappen og en veldig fin gave til kveldens bursdagsjente. Genseren fra Gina er ny, det er også buksen fra Zara. Digger den slitte 80-talls looken, dog i ny utgave. Nå må jeg preppe meg til bursdagsfest, så ønsker dere alle en fantastisk fin kveld i snødrivet!

Today I ventured out in the snowstorm (it was so bad my pics did not come out), to meet a friend for lunch and a little shopping. I am totally in love with the 80s these days, and this is a good daytime look with the sequined sweater and distressed jeans. Sequins always cheer me up, since I love all that sparkles. I also like the fact that I can use the sweater as a dress with tights. Tonight we are off to a birthdayparty in the snowstorm, so I have to get ready, because I am late as usual. Wish you all a fab saturday!

27 kommentarer:

Couture Carrie sa...

Love it, S! So 80s fabulous, and very Balmain also!


Renate sa...

Digget antrekket :-)

Mimi sa...

I'm envious, your sweater is incredible!


Susana Rodrigues sa...

Perfection! :)

Unknown sa...

i really like that! rakastan tata ns.uutta 80 luku tyylia :)

Anonym sa...

amazing! I love the 80s

ediot sa...

du er så vakker!
genseren er kjempefin på deg
og antrekket ser så behagelig men samtidig stilig ut! ha det så fint på fest- klem

Unknown sa...

I have been reading your blog for the past two months, really love you style sense. Love the way you put together your outfits. Plus I want to thank you. I live in the San Francisco bay area and loved all the information you have put up on the local vintage stores here. I am die hard fashion buff but i am new to the vintage stuff. It be great if you could let me know which one of these stores should I hit first, plus which one would get me great deal. I really dnt want to spend much on my maiden trip.
Thanks in advance.
PS: You can check out my blog 'God Made me Funky' and give ur input on that too.

Frøken Funky Farm sa...

Enkelt og kult, kan dresses opp eller ned med tilbehør og sko, god knall!

Anonym sa...

love 80´...and that grey is fantastic on you!

Anonym sa...

you look fabulous!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

Oh I am crazy for that sweater, I wish we had Gina Tricot here, I always see blogers wearing her stuff.

bbb sa...

You're stunning

Anonym sa...

nice cool colors, effortless and amazing as always Silje!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-yes, I'm loving all things 80s at the mmoment, love this outfit too my dear! Have a lovely weekend!

Anonym sa...

i love this style, denim will be the it for spring and new structure is good.

Marte sa...

Herlig genser:)

www.janetteria.com sa...

Perfect, Silje! :)

I totally adore your Gina Tricot sweater! ;)

xoxo and hugs: Janet

Unknown sa...


Thanks a lot for all your inputs. I would be trying few of these places in the coming week and would definitely let you know about my experience. Plus lemme know when you are in town the next time, I would love to explore the city with you.
Thanks once again.

Tuppene sa...

Åå! Nydelig antrekk! Den genseren har jeg ikke sett, men den tror jeg at jeg må se ekstra nøye på neste gang jeg er på Gina!

Vertiginoso sa...

Your silhouette is softly (AND "sparklingly") "Biker CHIC" here, as casual as ethereal !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

bi-style sa...

so 80's and adorable! You look great I love that sytle.

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Sequins cheer me up to! You look gorgeous!

Anonym sa...

Oh my goodness, I love this. I love all things sparkly as well. This really works well with the faded jeans. How fun!

The Style Of Vintage sa...

Super kul genser!

prettygeeky.com sa...

I like that it's a well-fitting sweater and of course the sequins are a fantastic touch!

Obscura sa...

Totally amazing.

That colour is perfect on you.

LOVE this outfit...it totally looks like something I would want to wear!

