søndag 22. februar 2009

A Norwegian Winter Fairytale

Bilde 443

Bilde 456

Bilde 455

Bilde 476

Bilde 492

Bilde 445

Bilde 434
Photo: By AC, the most amazing and sporty photographer
Outfit: Dress: H&M, Slip: ebay, Jacket: Voice of Europe, Boots: Inc, Beanie: H&M, Gloves: Lindex, Scarf: Passigatti, borrowed from AC.

For meg er mote en del av en fantasi. Det handler om å la seg selv drømme og tro at alt er mulig. Mote kan være et eventyr, en fest, en tragedie eller virkelighet. Sterk, drømmende, mørk, bare du setter grensene for din fantasi. For meg er mote skjønnhet og drømmer, et sted der fantasien for fritt utløp, uten noen grenser. Skjønnhet kan være så mye, men akkurat idag kommer den til utrykk gjennom det fantastiske vinterlandet utenfor vårt vindu. Nettopp derfor følte jeg at en av favorittkjolene måtte få lufte seg litt i det vakre hvite eventyrlandet. Kjolen, som var en rimelig investering, er en av mine favoritter. En skjønnhet av blonder og rosa som bare blir vakrere med årene.

Fashion is fantasy. Its about dreaming and letting yourself believe that anyting is possible. Its a fairytale, it can be anything you want it to be. Fierce, dreamy, snowing, dark, only you set the limits. For me fashion represents beauty and dreams, darkness and joy, and so much more wonderful thoughts and ideas. I could ramble a whole day about my passion and love for fashion, but I am content in letting the pictures speak. We just had to take some pictures in our amazing winter wonderland. Its so much snow, you can hardly believe it. This is one of my favorite dresses, it has a victorian quality, but still it is dreamy and light. Its perfect for a coctail party or a night out with the girls. It was a steal at H&M, and it proves that you can find your gems in the most unexpected places. Its a dream and I love it dearly.

39 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

WOW WOW WOW you looklike a princess! love your outfit!!!!

The Style Of Vintage sa...

for en kjempe fin kjole! det øverste bildet er nydelig!

Mette sa...

Så fin du var. Og for en kjole!

Renate sa...

For en nydelig kjole!

ediot sa...

Enig med aurela. prinsesse! helt fantastiske bilder også.
ha en finfin söndag

Anonym sa...

that dress is fantastical, it looks marvelous on your, and i still cannot believe you found it at h&m!

Ragna sa...

Lekre bilder, Silje :-) Jeg hadde ikke kommet på å bruke en bruseblondekjole om vinteren slik du gjør men synes det funket kjempebra, tror det må være alt det svarte tilbehøret som gjør det. Fikk litt tre nøtter til Askepott-følelse...

Vertiginoso sa...

AND You really give us envy to go to the snow with a "contemporary casual sylph" like You !!!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Trendy Gourmandise sa...

you look like a cinderella

escritora sa...

you look so, so, so beautiful. this dress is amazing! :)

Anonym sa...

yes..you look like a princess...beautiful pics...sooooo lovely!!

Make Do Style sa...

Amazing! The dress is beautiful no wonder you love it so much. Beautiful setting and beautiful you!

Yes - the model was from Norway.

elysia mann sa...

:O gorgeous! i love the full skirt!!!!!

Smilla sa...

Det siste bildet fortjener en plass på veggen! Nydelige norske prinsesse :)

Sharon sa...

Hi there-I agree, what a fabulous find and you look lovely my dear!!

Siljesfashion sa...

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments!

Tusen takk for alle de hyggelige kommentarene! Selv om jeg synes det begynner å bli nok snø (!!)så får man ta det med godt humør.

www.janetteria.com sa...

WOW WOW and WOW! What a lovely dress! U are so really beuatiful! :)

anette sa...

Du ser virkelig ut som et eventyr! Ikke vanskelig å forstå hvorfor det er en av dine favorittplagg!!!

Sneen ser vakker ut, men enig i at det er nok nå- jeg er skikkelig lei av å måke!

Tuppene sa...

HERREGUD! For en utrolig nydelig kjole- FRA H&M?? Du minte meg veldig om Carrie:)

Fräulein Luise sa...

I have followed so much times on ebay this dream of a dress and yes it really looks like a dream on you, like a snowflake or princess in dark winter times!

Mimi sa...

I can't even type, that's how incredible you look! It reminds me of Carrie Bradshaw, you my dear are my Norwegian Carrie ♥

And of course you most certainly are invited to my fantasy dinner! And I would accept your bottle of Ruinard Rosè 1998 with open arms :]

You can sit next to SJP, miss SPJ [how cute is it that you have the exact same initials just not in the same order?!]

xo xo

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

I can't believe you got that dress at H & m it looks so high fashion!

Unknown sa...

NYYYYYYYDEEEELIIIG siljeeee..:D:D aaahhh jeg så deg på majourstuen stasjon her om dagen.. ville si hei men syns det var litt flaut.. hihih men gjør det neste gang..

og foressten er det den kjolen som var på julekampanjen til hm i fjor..? aaahh nå angrer jeg på at jeg ikke kjøpte den hihihh

hilsen gamela

Couture Carrie sa...

It looks like a scene out of a movie, darling! That dress is absolutely incredible, and you look like a dream, S!


P.S. I am having a contest on my blog today if you want to stop by :)

Anonym sa...

its so cute! you really do look like you're in a fairytale! beautiful!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

yes, you are a fairy tale. a princess too! i adore this xo

Lady Melbourne sa...

Best outfit I've seen yet!!! You look amazing, I love the toughness of the jacket with the beautiful dress. Just darling Silje!

Frøken Funky Farm sa...

Nydelig, nydelig rockeprinsesse! Perfeksjon.

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

You look amazing, and it's great to see you enjoying the snow.

Tiffany sa...

lovely! your look so gorgeous, glad to see you are not one to shy away from pretty dresses even in the snow.

Unknown sa...

Lovely dress. And absolutely stunning pics.
ALso wanted to thank you once again for all the fabulous stores you had suggested in Haight Ashbury. I did go there this weekend, though I couldnt find anything vintage, may be because I am a novice when it comes to vintage. But I did manage to score some nice stuff at other thrift stores.

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

nydelige bilder og Snøprinsesse look! veldig kul kjole.
Elsker at folk tør å ta den litt ut selv når det er vinter og meter med snø i gatene

Anonym sa...

du er så nydelig! I love that dress. and that picture is making me wish i was i norge.

Bex sa...

I love that you combined a very girly dress with a bad-ass looking leather jacket! Great look!

Caroline sa...

that is the most PEFECT dress!!

dina sa...

herregud så fin den kjolen var!

Kira Aderne sa...

You are like a princess!
I love this dress :)))
You look perfect!

a kiss for you friend!

Eri sa...

What a beautiful dress!!!!!

Charms sa...

Juicy Couture diaper bag

This is the best dress I love of all you've posted before. You look like a princes in a snow wonderland, and the hat gives a gorgeous look on you and gives it a perfect aura for the whole presentation.