onsdag 18. februar 2009

Twin Peaks

Bilde 515
Dress: H&M, Shoes: Bianco, Gold Cape: Vintage
Dette er en av favorittbildene mine fra i sommer. Bildet holder en magisk verdi, et møte mellom ettermiddag og kveldslys. Jeg husker at jeg tenkte at stemningen var litt Twin Peaks, vakkert og litt skummelt. Hvis bare sommeren kunne komme snart igjen..

In the woods anything can happen. You know those hours before dark, when the daylight starts to fade? Thats when all the magic happens. This is amazing and of my favorite photos from last summer. It kind of reminds me of the woods in Twin Peaks, scary but beautiful.

11 kommentarer:

www.janetteria.com sa...

Hehe! I love pics, Silje! Really imagenitive!

xoxo: Janet

prettygeeky.com sa...

The picture has a serene feel about it, very interesting picture!

Anonym sa...

beautiful pic!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-such a lovely reminder of summer my dear!

Make Do Style sa...

Ah yes twin peaks indeed!!

Anonym sa...

I totally agree-lovely photo and concept, i miss the woods

Vertiginoso sa...

AND the fact that your majestically bare back sounds like a mesmerizing carnal Delight is frankly far to be a GLAMorous Mystery . . .

à Bientôt, Antoine

Mimi sa...

Stunning, it's so whimsical and captivating! Gorgeous picture


Vintage Lollipops sa...

It's beautiful, and the magical vibe definitely keeps you wondering.

Mette sa...

For et stemningsfullt bilde!

ediot sa...

elsker bildet så fint og sommerlig og uten blitzz