søndag 1. februar 2009

Sunday Bliss, Tag and Award

The lovely lady Kate of Make Do Style tagged me to reveal the fourth picture in the fourth folder. I was excited to see that it is one of my favorite summer outfits. This reminds me of the safari style, that the late Yves Saint Laurent was so famous for in the 70s. I am wearing a vintage dress, H&M bag and Nine West shoes. It also shows what I believe in most, that you can be stylish on any budget. I therefor tag four lovely ladies that gives us daily fashion inspiration no matter what budget:
Emily of Cupcakesandcashmere, Dotti of Dottisdots , Jen of Mahalofashion and Erika of Fashionchalet
Mimi also awarded me with this beautiful award that states:
This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this clever-written text into the body of their award."
I am off to a coffee date with my best friend. I wish you all a wonderful sunday!

26 kommentarer:

Ella Gregory sa...

I love your shoes in that picture, they are stunning.

Unknown sa...

ladylike look! nice

Siru sa...

Congrats for the award! You totally worth it!

juliet xxx

Susana Rodrigues sa...

congrats for the award! your shoes are so cool!

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-thanks for the award my dear and hope you have a great Sunday too!

www.janetteria.com sa...


Thank you very much for the award!

Your look so pretty as always!
Have a great Sunday, too

Anonym sa...

congrats for the award and thank you!

Fashion Addict sa...

I love this safari look, it was one of my favorite's of yours! And congrats on the award!

anette sa...

Jeg elsker safari-stilen! Veldig fint antrekk!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

Thanks for the award darling, I left you a little note on my blog.
Oh and that outfit is totally safari chic!

Theresa sa...

You're shoes are awesome!! Where are they from?

Make Do Style sa...

Ah tht was a good fourth picture! I love the H&M bag so cute. A lovely look all round.

Anonym sa...

j'adore the look elegant and cream color, the best way for summer ;)

Mimi sa...

Silje the bag and shoes are great.I agree with Nita you look like a real lady.

WendyB sa...

Yes, very YSL safari!

Eri sa...

Hello there,
I just came across your blog and very much enjoyed.
Please come and visit mine too!
It' s a fashion blog inspired by Portobello Road, London. Also with outfits and fashion blurbs!
See you soon.

Vintage Lollipops sa...

Congrats on your award/tag!!!

And seriously... how gorgeous is this picture!!

I love the bag. xxx

essence sa...

congrats for the award!!!!!!!! I love your shoes, so cool!

Anonym sa...

cute outfit - have fun with fika. & congratulations on the award.

Happy sunday!

Anonym sa...

digger stilen din :)

- www.mariastenersen.com

TINA sa...

I love the look! It's very inspirational.Congrats on the award!


Lady Melbourne sa...

Hey Silje!
This picture just goes to show how timeless your look is. Very chic indeed!
Congrats on the awards!


Hello, thanks a lot for this lovely award... Hope you had a wonderful week-end.

Vertiginoso sa...

You're "Veruschka-esque" on this "Urban Safari-esque" picture, very haughty (Style) hunter !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

prettygeeky.com sa...

You look like a model! Great picture of you and of course, love the outfit on you as well.

Mimi sa...

You look so fab! I also awarded this very award to you :]

