onsdag 18. februar 2009

Wish I was

Photo: TheSartorialist

I NY! Skulle ønske jeg var i New York akkurat nå og kunne løpe fra visning til visning. Tenk så gøy! Men jeg klager ikke, for jeg har virkelig the time of my life akkurat nå. Digger dette antrekket, chic selv i vinterkulden. Av visningene som har vært, synes jeg Rodarte, Marc Jacobs, Elise Øverland, Diane Von Furstenberg og Jason Wu skilte seg ut så langt. Har du en favoritt?

In New York! How fun it must be like running from one show to another, doing interviews and so on. But I am not complaining, because I am really having a great time here in Oslo, except from all the snow! So far my favorite shows have been Rodarte, Marc Jacobs, Elise Øverland, Diane Von Furstenberg and Jason Wu. Any favorites so far?

9 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I was so impressed with Marc Jacobs as well--just fabulous. And of course, Jason, my lover, he can do no wrong :-)

ediot sa...

elsker jakka! jeg vil også väre der. og i london. skal til london uka etter moteuka.. ha en fin kveld

Make Do Style sa...

I'm not sure yet about the shows. I take a few days to digest it all!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-Sounds like you have been very busy, but it sounds so glamorous and exciting too!!

ediot sa...

tenkre du dra runt fashion week eller etter?
uansett syns jeg det er en bra idé-. london er favorittbyen min så langt..(har aldri värt i ny)

Larita sa...

you have got a nice blog :)

X sa...


Kira Aderne sa...

You are so right! NYC is all about fun these days!

a kiss for you and Oslo must be amazing!!! I love the cold weather!!!

Mimi sa...

I love so many, I can't even name names at the moment!
