mandag 23. februar 2009

Oscar Dresses

Marisa Tomei was stunning in Versace.I think Kate Winslet owned the night and this look. The dress by Stefano Pilati for YSL, is old Hollywood, in a modern way.

Photo: AFP, Fabsguar. Jessica Biel in Prada. Jessica, please get a new stylist or hire one(Justin, how could you let her leave the house like that?), Beautiful Natalie Portman in Rodarte, Angelina looked a like a wicked witch in Elie Saab(to keep Jen at arms lenghts?), Rachel Evan Wood (Is she trying to be a white ghost?) and Heidi Klum in Roland Mouret ( Heidi, there is no need to dress up lile little red riding hood on a red carpet).
Her kan du se min omtale av de beste og verste Oscar-kjolene. Marisa Tomei, Natalie Portman og Kate Winslet var noen av mine favoritter på den røde løperen, mens Jessica Biel ikke var like heldig. Hvem synes du var best og verst kledde?
I am doing a who was the best and worst dressed at the Oscars, and if you can read Norwegian, its right here. But I am guessing you cant read it, so I will expand this post a little later today and translate some of best and worsed dressed. I loved Marisa Tomeis dress and Natalie Portman, Sarah Jessica Parker looked fine, Kate Winslet was elegant while Jessica Biel looked like a disaster. Do tell me your favorites and worst dressed of the night!

18 kommentarer:

Style Spot sa...

Ja, Marisa Tomei var slående vakker! Ellers elsket jeg fargen på Natalie Portman sin kjole, og SJP var nydelig. Kate Winslet så helt utrolig ut, og jeg likte veldig godt Marion Cotillard sin kjole også. Masse herlige kjoler! Skal sende deg en mail straks ;)

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

hands down, my favorite natalie portman!

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † sa...

hey sweetie :)
i adore your blog && was wondering if you wanted to exchange links?
let me know ♥

Sharon sa...

Hi there-Its plain and simple, but I loved Angelinas look, especially with the green earrings!!

Anonym sa...

definitely marisa tomei's dress--absolutely STUNNING!

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † sa...

thanks - ive just linked you back =)
♥ Hannah

Anonym sa...

I just can say:

I think Penelope vintage dress! Wonderful!

xoxo: Janet

Mimi sa...

My top 3 faves are Marisa Tomei, Natalie Portman and SJP... And also Marion Cotillard.


Anonym sa...

Må bare si det, for en herlig stil du har!

Elissa sa...

I loved SJP!!!

Anonym sa...

kate winslet was radiant, jessica an embarassment

WendyB sa...

Loved Marisa's! She looked great all awards season, I thought.

Anonym sa...

i'm in love of the Anegelina dress of Elie Saab, modern and luxury!
all are beautiful but great to natalie portman too, rodarte is amazing for me.

anette sa...

jeg likte Taraji p. Hensons kjole, og Viola Davis sin. Ellers likte jeg alle de som du og de andre på bloggen her likte, særlig Natalie Portman og Marion Cotillard.

Make Do Style sa...

I loved Jennifer Aniston and the YSL dress is a grower. I also like SJPs dior number - again at first I thought no but on second examination I thought how lovely!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-There is an award waiting for you on my blog, see you soon!

Trendy Gourmandise sa...

i like kate !!!!