mandag 16. februar 2009

In Love

Bilde 150
Snart kan du bla shoppe denne hos Vanityvintage
Det er ingen hemmelighet at jeg elsker vintage. Derfor ble jeg ekstra glad da jeg fikk vite om en ny norsk vintagebutikk på nett, som lanseres i feb/mars. Jeg vet allerede at de har mye fint, for toppen på bildet, lånte jeg til sist fotoshoot. Selv digger jeg alt som glittrer, så jeg ser ikke bort fra at jeg kommer til å shoppe endel fra denne siden..

I am in love with this fab vintage sweater that I borrowed for the last fashion editorial. Its beautiful, and so now. Its from a new Norwegian vintage website called Vanityvintage. We dont have that many vintage websites here, so I am very happy about a new addition. Isnt this sweater perfect for a blue monday?

24 kommentarer:

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

the shape of that sweater is superb and the discs are subtly sexy.

Mimi sa...

Incredible sweater, its subtle but still sure to make a splash!


Theresa sa...

love it!! looks amazing on you!

thanks for commenting

ediot sa...

den toppen var superfin!passa jo så utrolig bra på deg

Mette sa...

Den toppen var skikkelig stilig!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-you look lovely in this, perfect to brighten up a Monday!!

Vertiginoso sa...

I really like the subtle/shiny way the golden pieces keep the sensual illusion of many carnal unveilings, AND its colour reflection with your ethereal mane !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

WendyB sa...

Fabulous top!


Yes perfect for a blue monday and it suits so well. Can't you keep it?

Beauty Standard Blog sa...

Amazing find! The golden sequins are a nice touch.


You're always a vision!! =]


Noelle Chantal sa...

very nice sweater. those little shiny thing makes it a more interesting piece. great outfit! :)

Editor sa...

nice blog! sa...

Amazing top! :)

Songy sa...

That's a fab sweater. I don't know anyone who does vintage as well as you do.

escritora sa...

you look fabulous :) sa...

P.S.:New award : receive it with love, what you find it on my blog (newest post) :)

xoxo: Janet

Anonym sa...

great pic i like the material.

Jane sa...

Oh its lovely.

Please check out


Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

superfin.. den må du skaffe deg. Lånte selv en paljettjakke som var superfet. paljetter og glitter-oh yes

Molly sa...

i love the jumper- the colour looks lovely on you :)

Angela sa...

i like the disc details on the sweater.

Mel sa...

omg love the top!!


Unknown sa...