mandag 3. november 2008

Pholk and Nob Hill

On our third day in San Francisco, my Mission was to take the cable cars to Pholk street and Nob Hill. These areas came highly recommended, so I had to check it out. It turned out to be a great day, with lots of wonderful memories.

Luckily for me, the cable cars stopped 2 blocks from our hotel and went all the way to Pholk street. I must admit that this ride is a fun and a great way to see a lot of the city, since it does not travel that fast.

My first stop was Out of the Closet, a vintage store with lots of cheap stuff. Since it was Sunday, and I only had a couple of hours, I did not have the same patience to dig through a lot. I did a quick scan and decided to move on.

The store next to it, had a much better selection. It was a blend of secondhand and just a little vintage. But mostly designer labels from either a month or some years back.

The store was huge, and they had a lot of sequined dresses, fur, skirts and dresses.

If you only buy one party item this fall, it should be a sequined top or a dress.

Fashion Exchange also had a great selection for men. I especially liked the leather and denim jackets.

A good mixture of designer shoes and cheaper labels.

After that I walked up Pholk and got to this store, that I almost passed. I had no idea that this was a vintage store. But when I got inside they had such great labels that I was amazed. Carolina Herrera from the eighties, Yves Saint Laurent from the seventies, Ralph Lauren, and lots of other high end designers for a good price. Be sure to check in the counter for costume jewelry and designer shoes. The high end names were located to the left as soon as you entered the store. The dresses, suits and seperates was amazing.

After that I went over the street and had a drink in the sun, while I looked at people passing by. One of my favorite pasttimes besides shopping, is just that. Sit and relax, watch and observe.

After that I decided to pop into some of the small charming stores on the way back down. I loved Picnic for its charmy atmosphere, candles and nice jewelry. Great shop to find gifts in.

The lady who runs this shop, had a darling white cat who wanted to say hi to all the customers. Polkadot Variety had great greeting cards, notebooks and other travelling necesseties. After this I walked over to Nob Hill, which was a 15 min walk. I am sorry to say that I did not take any pictures there, because I had 30 minutes before they closed and it got dark, so I decided to shop.

On the way back to the hotel, I decided to ask somebody to take my outfit picture. But when they did not speak english ( I asked two different couples), it was hard to explain that I needed a full figure picture. Anyway, I was wearing a Gina Tricot jacket, acne jeans, Vero Moda Scarf and Oliver Peoples sunglasses.

Todays bargains: This vintage dress with paysley pattern is fantastic, and reminds me of Anna Sui`s fall collection. For 8 dollars it was quite a bargain. I also bought cards, candles and gifts at Picnic and Polkadot Variety. I also picked up some more secondhand skirts and dresses. However, none of the YSL or other designer items were my size, so I passed on it. If I had found an item I loved, I would have bought it and had it altered. Thats always best to do with vintage, if it does not fit you exactely right.
Next: A day filled with adventure and fun. Cob Hollow, Union Street, Golden Gate and Pebble Beach. Stay tuned!

18 kommentarer:

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

that dress you found is so divine, not to mention really versatile!

Angela sa...

you look very pretty. if you are going to be in san francisco on the 7th and 8th, neiman marcus on union square is going to have their markdown on regular price designer goods.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Wow! Sounds like a wonderful trip. I need to get to SF someday.

Make Do Style sa...

Owh lovely post again. lol re the photo - such a shame not to get you but the church does look good too!
I'm envious of the YSL items even though you didn't buy.

Tricia sa...

a total bargain. and what a great day, it really is fun to ride the cable cars in SF!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

I always wanted to visit sanfran, I'm so jealous!! Lovely thrift shop too!

glory sa...

please stop. at this time i`m so jealous of you, seems like you found a lot of fantastics vintage items... i have to take note if i want to visit sf... kisses

Elizabeth sa...

I'm really enjoying hearing your adventures in S.F., Silje. You're making some great purchases, and the pictures are brilliant.

Anonym sa...

oo sounds amazing and love the 70s style dress

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

I didn't know you were in SF, im always there, we should have met for tea!


Sharon sa...

Hi there paisley dress was a fantastic buy, wel spotted1 I do love your pictures of SF, you really have made the most of this wonderful city!

Songy sa...

Great dress, Silje. I can't wait to see you wearing it. I guess it's little sheer for the weather? is it?

It's unbelievable to see all those thrift shops in San Fran. We don't have anything like that here.

Ella Gregory sa...

I'm so in the mood for shopping now.

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

Those places!!! I really would love to be at that Fashion Exchange store, it looks like such an amazing place

..... sa...

god i adore thrift stores !!

ediot sa...

paisleykjolen er helt perfekt!! wow!heldige du som har värt på reisefot!
ha en fin uke!

Kira Aderne sa...

so great you are having a great time! San Francisco sounds amazing!

I hope you have the best time there!

a kiss,
see you,

Mónica sa...

Lovely dress!! The city looks incredible. I've always wanted to go there, but now, I am looking forward to it, the pictures are very tenative.