fredag 14. november 2008

House of Harlow 1960

Photo: Wireimage
Nicole Richies House of Harlow 1960 er noe av de hotteste
smykkene du kan kjøpe deg akkurat nå. Elsker de kule
armbåndene og den store ringen. Les mer i Du Denne Uken
som er i butikken idag. Ha en god kveld alle sammen!
Se hele kolleksjonen på shopkitson
Love Nicole Richies new jewelry line at shopkitson I find the
bracelets to be very cool and just my hippie style. Love the
big black and gold bracelet. The best thing about the line
House of Harlow 1960, is that it is affordable.
Have a great weekend everybody!

5 kommentarer:

Tiffany sa...

I love this line as well! I'm thinking about getting that ring. it is so big but I love it!

Elizabeth sa...

It looks just your style.

Songy sa...

at first I thought she was getting arrested! what was I thinking? :) Nice.. yep they are your stuff.

Sharon sa...

Hi there-these pieces look great!! have a lovely weekend my dear!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

Let me know when you see some in person, i havent yet--although im hearing it is cheaply disappointing xx