tirsdag 25. november 2008

Matthew Williamson for H&M

Foto: H&M
H&M bekreftet idag at deres nye gjestedesigner er Matthew Williamson. Den britiske designeren skal nemlig lage eksklusive sommerplagg for billigkjeden. Williamson er kjent for sine fargerike kreasjoner og personlig er jeg spent for hva han kommer med for H&M. Blir det noe a la 70-talls stilen og de kjente kjolene med kule print og trykk, kommer det helt sikkert til å falle i min smak. Kommer du til å shoppe denne kolleksjonen?
You are looking at H&Ms new guest designer. This summer its the british designer Matthew Williamsons turn to entice us with his prints and sweet summer dresses. I am very excited about this collaboration, because I think some of the summer items will appeal to my style. I love his prints, colors and designs. Will you be buying this collection when it hits the store?

16 kommentarer:

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

let me just clarify and say that i'll be 'trying' to purchase his collection when it comes out. somehow, i never quite manage to get to h&m on time for any of their guest designers.

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

This is such great news! I adore Matthew Williamson and his designs, I will definitely actually try to be front of the line for this one when it comes out :)

www.janetteria.com sa...

This is fantastic fashion news! I adore Matthew Williamson. Debenhams butterfly MW collection was amazing... Well? :)

Sharon sa...

Hi there-I'll be very interested to see what he brings out, I do love his floaty chiffon dresses.


Matthew Williamson for a Summer collection is really a good idea, it's just that I'm not the kind of girl who gets up early and queues to buy outfit...

Marta sa...

Matthew williamson har jeg sansen for! For se senere, stor mulighet for at noe finner veien til mitt skap:)
Har du hørt om merket Calvet forresten?

Tricia sa...

that's very tempting, I may have to use my CDG experience and elbow my way through some williamson.

Mónica sa...

After being fired from Pucci... I guess it's all he could aspire.

Fashion Tidbits sa...

if only we had H&M!!!!! :(

Elizabeth sa...

I can't wait to see this collection.

Songy sa...

will he get the same kine of buzz as CDG? I guess his collection will attract different kind of crowd...

I read your mail.. and must say I'm stunned.


aah jeg gleder meg!!=D

Unknown sa...

I think Matthew will be better than cdg.

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

I was so excited to read this! I hope the collection gets wider distribution than previous H&M designer collaborations. I adore his prints. Can't wait!

ediot sa...

lengter til dette samarbeidet.
han er jo superflink!

Ida sa...

Dette skal jeg definitivt få med meg! Har siklet på kjolene hans lenge. Endelig kan jeg hå råd!