fredag 21. november 2008

A Meeting With Dita Von Teese

Photo: Elissa Love Goodkin
Min kjærlighet til vintage gjør at jeg ofte kommer i
snakk med mennesker som har samme interesse
som meg. Da jeg var på Fashion Expo i Santa Monica
i Los Angeles for et par uker siden, var jeg så heldig å
støte på Dita Von Teese. Hun er bare en av kjendisene i LA
som elsker vintage og ofte er å se på vintagemesser som denne.
Det var ganske surrealistisk å lete gjennom samme klesbunke
som henne etter 50-tallskjoler. Dessutten var hun så liten
at jeg følte meg som en kjempe ved siden av henne. Men hun
var veldig søt og hyggelig. Hun fortalte at hun elsker vintage,
og at hun ofte drar rundt på messer og plukker klærne sine selv.
På samme stand traff jeg forøvrig også et par andre kjendiser.
Mer om dette kan du lese om i min nye spalte i Du Denne uken,
som er i butikkene idag!

As promised I am giving you a sneak peak from the magazine
Du Denne uken, about some of my experiences in Los Angeles. As
of this week I have my own column (Yay!) and my first topic is my meeting
with Dita Von Teese, while vintageshopping in LA. Me and my good
friend Elissa, went to Fashion Expo in Santa Monica to look for some
vintage treasures. And that was not all we found, because as we
were rummaging through old dresses from the 50s I saw
Dita Von Teese doing the same thing. It was unreal, but she
was very nice. She is so tiny, I felt like a giant next to her. She loves
vintage, and she scored a lot of deals while we where there. She
picked up quite a few vintage dresses and chinese inspired kimonos,
brooches and pants. She said she often goes by herself and likes to
look through things, like me. Usually people leave her alone (not me!)
and she said she had found some amazing things tis time. On top of
that there were two other quite famous celebs rummaging around.
One is a stylist to the stars and always wears sunglasses and fur, while the
other is Oprahs favorite interiordesigner. Can you guess who I am
talking about?

31 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi there-wow, what a lovely experience!! it must have been great to meet her and also go to this amazing place for vintage too! Well done on your own column too!

Siru sa...

oh my god. DvT is so hot and chic.

juliet xxx

Vertiginoso sa...

Wooooww I frankly believe that I shall "liquefy myself" in front of the Astonishing Ditaaaaaaa !!! She exudes serenity here , and "Retro GLAM à fleur de peau " . . .

à Bientôt, Antoine

Aurelia sa...

She looks fab. were the other two Rachel Doe and Nate Berkus??

Siljesfashion sa...

Yes, it was amazing! And she was so down to earth and nice.
Aurelia: You are so right, Rachel Zoe and Nate Berkus. Imagine all of those glamorous people in one place! sa...

Oh. I envy you! :) This may have been a fantastic meeting. Dita is a real diva. I adore vintage. Photo is goooood!

Have a great day: Janet

Songy sa...

Ah I don't watch TV much so I wouldn't have a clue who they are.. :) Nate rings a bell though.

What a moment! That's so exciting that you met with Von Teese!

Dana (MODAna) sa...

Is she as gorgeous in person???

Make Do Style sa...

What a result! I too would have been straight up for photo and interview. Oh so is one of the 2 Rachel Zoe!!
You both look lovely in the photo...

Make Do Style sa...

Agh just read the comments - I'm so slow!!

Couture Carrie sa...

How exciting, Silje!
Looooove your new banner - you are stunning!


Unknown sa...

Oh my gosh, I am so jealous you met Dita! She is my style icon! I recently watched a show of hers and copied a look she had on.

It was this vintage chic black dress similar to the one she had on and I topped the look off with my gorgeous diamond earrings from that my fiance bought me.

She's so chic and I am so jealous you went vintage shopping with her!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

Wow, wow, wow that is SO cool. And you saw Rachel Zoe too!
And how gorgeous do you and Dita look next to each other! TOO gorgeous!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

how fun! you look great! xo


So cool that you have your own column! Congrats! You have a beautiful smile and I also love your pic in fur coat.

Have a wonderful weekend!


geri hirsch sa...

ohhh dita! fun!

TINA sa...

Wow, what a fabulous experience! It must have been absolutely amazing to meet her. You both look fantastic!


Elizabeth sa...

What a cool story! It's great that you had a nice experience meeting Ms. Dita.

Lady Melbourne sa...

Wow, you have officially met my idol!!!
You are so lucky Silje, congratulations on the column as well.

Anonym sa...

Wow!!!!! What an amazing celebrity to meet! I love her! And am so happy that she was nice and down to earth :o)


wow så kult! Fikk du kjøpt noe?

Anonym sa...

omg that's awesome, so glad she's so nice! i guess the other one you must be referring to rachel zoe haha

btw love your wang inspired outfit

Tuppene sa...

Nå har jeg lagt inn bud på ebay på en vintagekjole fra 50-tallet som er påfallende lik den svarte stroppeløse kjolen fra Samsøe & Samsøe! Krysser fingrene for at budet holder inn til mål:)

Mimi sa...

Wow...Dita and Rachel - what a day!
I just watched Rachel Zoe's show :)

Tricia sa...

congrats on the column, that's wonderful! And although Dita always looks great, may I say you totally hold your own standing next to her?

Ella Gregory sa...

Oh my god you are so lucky. I adore Dita!

Unknown sa...

Hey - I got photo credits!! I take some pretty good pictures. :)

Elissa sa...

I don't know who's account I was signed into, but "steve" is me. And yay for photo credits! xoxo - Eliss

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

fett.. hun er rå!

Fashion Tidbits sa...

coolness :)

Always In Style sa...

Congratulations on the column and on meeting Ms. Dita - what a blast!