søndag 16. november 2008

Saturday Night with the Girls

It had been way to long since we went dancing.

Of course I knew that I had to wear one of
my new vintage sequined tops.

Add champagne, funny girls and a lot
of dancing to great music, and you have a
perfect night out.

Top: Vintage from San Francisco
Jeans: Acne
Jacket: H&M
Bag: Vintage gold clutch
Boots: Inc

Det er vel ingen hemmelighet at jeg elsker å pynte meg.
Igår hadde jeg veldig lyst til å bruke en av vintagetoppene
jeg kjøpte i San Francisco. Med jeans og H&M jakken, ble
antrekket perfekt for en kveld med champagne, dansing og moro!

I love to get dressed up for a night out. I always take my time,
prep and listen to music before the girls arrive. Well, you know
me, its got to be glamorous. Pink champagne, lots of 70s music,
and fun girls, set the tone for the night. We had so much fun both
preparty and out dancing. I made it home at 3 am in the morning..

17 kommentarer:

www.janetteria.com sa...

Hi silje,

Fantastic vintage top.

Perfect choice your hair colour (beautiful blondie) and your skin colour.

xoxo: Janet

Sharon sa...

Hi there-sounds like a fantastic time and such a gorgeous outfit too! The sequin top proved to be a fabulous buy indeed!

Elizabeth sa...

That jacket really suits you!

Anonym sa...

Beautiful top and coat! Sounds like a lovely, fun filled night :o)

Style Spot sa...

Vakre Silje, du ser helt fantastisk ut! Absolutt alt med antrekket ditt funker perfekt. Og det er alltid super gøy å dra ut og danse :D

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

utrolig fin topp! den jakken fra H&M er også helt nydelig... bra outfit frøken

The Style Of Vintage sa...

Virkelig en fancy topp det der altså! Elsker pelsen også.

Dotti sa...

Yeah! That's how it's got to be with the girls... :)

Songy sa...

I see more rooms above your head! cool. dressing up is always good. It cheers me up too.

Need I mention that you look fab?

..... sa...

nice fur but be carefull with the PETA

saray sa...

you top looks amazing!
and love that fur coat..

Siru sa...

You must have had a great night. The top looks wonderfull!

juliet xxx

escritora sa...

wow, so chic. you are a very stylish girl :)

Monique sa...

That jacket is fabulous!!! You wear it well.

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

Your making me want that little H&M fur so much! You look perfect, and I'm glad to hear the night you had was too :)

Marte sa...

Veldig fint antrekk Silje :) Elsker pelsen!

Tricia sa...

dance time with girlfriends, it's a necessity! love the coat.