onsdag 12. november 2008

Sneak Peak: Bruuns Bazaar 09

Vi dro en tur innom Bruuns Bazaar på vei hjem fra jobb, for å
sjekke ut vår/sommer kolleksjonen 2009. Det er bare å glede seg,
for de er masse fint i denne kolleksjonen. Skinnjakker, kjoler,
store trykk og de friske fargene var bare noe av det jeg falt for.
Men, mitt beste tips for våren er et par lyse støvletter som de ovenfor.
Disse står øverst på min ønskeliste akkurat nå!

Stopped by Bruunz Bazaar on the way home to see their spring
collection. Loved the colors, the prints and the champagne. I know
I will wish for the leather jackets, the dresses in burnt orange and
the white linen dresses, come spring. But on the top of my wishlisht
are these amazing nude leather boots! These would be perfect in my
wardrobe right now.

8 kommentarer:

Kira Aderne sa...

hi friend!

I am so happy about you having a great time! I wish you the best!!!
About the boots, I also think that it is amazing!

so you!

a kiss!!!


Marie rocks my socks sa...

Hørest bra ut=)
Likte bootsa:)

Sharon sa...

Hi there-they are a classic boot Silje, very nice indeed!

Elizabeth sa...

Those boots are exactly what I picture you wearing.

Reena Rai sa...

Sounds like you've been having a great time! The boots are amazing, would look equally good dressed up or down

Tuppene sa...

I like!! :)

Camilla Didriksen sa...

Stilig :)

Dana (MODAna) sa...

I love everything in the color nude
I love your new header too!