Det er ikke helt desember ennå, men jeg synes det var en passende tid for en konkurranse. I sommer fortalte jeg om Koola anna, som jeg synes har mye fint. En av mine favoritter fra merket, er de baggy jeansene jeg har på meg på bildet. Disse kan du nå vinne! Konkurransen er som følger: På bildet skal jeg forestille en av mine stilforbilder. Hun er ikke redd for å kle seg i det hun vil og hun elsker sko og cosmopolitans. Hvem er det jeg skal forestille og hvilket år ble Koola anna startet? Send meg en mail på før 2 desember, og du er med i trekningen om de tøffe jeansene. Jeg har et par jeans i størrelse 27 & et i 28, så husk å skriv hvilken du foretrekker, hvis du vinner.
Dear readers,
A while back ago I had a post about Koola Anna. I love their affordable collections and especially the cool jeans, dresses and tshirts. The baggy jeans pictured are some of my favorites, and I was lucky enough to get some of the same jeans that you can win! In this picture, I am dressed up like one of my favorite characters. This girl dresses in tutus, loves her shoes and cosmopolitans. Just tell me, who I am supposed to be and which year Koola anna started (check out their website), and you are in the competition! Send your answer to before 2 of december. Ps: I have one pair in 27 & another in 28, so let me know which one you prefer if you should be the lucky winner.
14 kommentarer:
ooo those are fabulously baggy, and love your oversized scarf!
Hi there-I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but won't reveal here, haha!! Shame they are not my size, plus I don't know the history of this store I'm afraid!! You look fabulous though!
I was so rubbish I had to send two emails with the right anwers of course! Mind you the picture of everything your wearing looks fab not just the jeans!
A blog comp is such fun!
What a great contest! I think I know the answer, but I'll refrain from entering, as there's no chance I'd ever fit into either of those jeans!
Good luck to the entrants!
So great contest!!!
I would like to win it!!
I will send an e-mail ;)
a kiss!!!
Love the chunky wrap!!
you look great in those jeans
love the pants :)
La C
Et annet spørsmål.. Jobbet ikke du for Du denne uken? :) Mener å høre at bladet dessverre ble lagt ned.. synd, synes det var et bra blad jeg.
I have no idea, but you look fantastic!
Carrie? :)
I'll leave it up to other clever folks. I hope Make Do Style wins. :)
You look fab, S.
i send an e-mail ;)
btw: i linked you :)
I have that scarf! I have that scarf! hehe <3
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