tirsdag 18. november 2008

Inspiration: Alexander Wang

Sometimes you just want to be the opposite
of sweet. Let the style speak.

Jacket: Bik Bok
Tights: F21
Dress: Carlings
Beanie: H&M
Boots: Inc
Digger de nye svarte tightsene fra F21 som jeg kjøpte i LA.
Et røverkjøp til hundre kroner, som jeg kan bruke til hverdags
og til fest. Disse skal jeg bruke til kardigans, strikkejakker,
kjoler og paljett toppene mine. Sjekk ut siden deres hvis du
liker tights.
I love my new black shiny tights from Forever 21, that I
bought in LA. They are great with knits, sequines and
dresses for that edgy look. Will you be buying tights like
these this season?

16 kommentarer:

Tricia sa...

yes, please! I'm looking for some, I need to check out F21.

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

you are more beautiful than any of the models on his runway! xx

Lil Midget sa...

Vacker utstyrsel Silje :D

Enkel men enkelt ljuvlig

Pussar och kramar!

Elizabeth sa...

This is a very sweet look. I like all the layering and how snuggly that sweater coat/cardi looks.

Songy sa...

That's a lovely look, Silje. Maybe I should try that black tights as well. Will I look as good? :)

Sharon sa...

Hi there-love this outfit, so chic and casual! I've stocked up on tights now, but I must wear my new topshop leggings soon!

www.janetteria.com sa...



You are beautiful... Fantastic choice...


Absolutely! I like your look today, I'm so in black and grey mood myself.

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

You look so super cool. Love this outfit, especially the hat!
Hope you're having a wonderful day gorgeous Silje

Style Spot sa...

Love those tights on you, you have amazing legs, Silje! Du nailer virkelig Wang-looken :)

Anonym sa...

That outfit looks fantastic! Very cool with the grey beenie :o)

Angela sa...

i need to find some black tights... : )


Perfect, as always. So chic.


Make Do Style sa...

Shiny tights are gorg!

Vikkebekke sa...

Det er fantastisk med tights, har inntrykk av at man aldri kan få nok av dem. Småhekta...

Ane-Mathilde sa...

Kule outfits :D