lørdag 29. november 2008
Going Out
fredag 28. november 2008
Model for a Day & Dressing for Party

Photos: Kathrine Stenvaag.
Thank you all for your emails about being model for a day, they exceeded my expectations. My models were Marthe and Elisenda, and they did an amazing job with showing what to wear for parties & christmas this season. See me talk about what to wear in the video at Kvinneguiden. It is in Norwegian, but you can at least see the beautiful dresses and models. Have a great weekend everyone!

Elisienda and Marthe in different styles of the LBD. I am wearing a Lindex dress, Victoriassecret cardigan, Zara belt and vintage boots.
Tusen takk for alle påmeldingene til "model for en dag"! Det var så populært at jeg kommer til å gjøre det igjen ved neste anledning. Elisenda og Marthe ble modellene denne gangen og gjorde en fantastisk flott innsats i kule kjoler på Sten & Strøm. For å se videoen og få mine tips om hva du skal ha på deg denne julebordsesongen, sjekk ut Kvinneguiden. Jentene fikk prøvd seg på catwalken, fant selv noen flotte kjoler og gikk hjem med en goodiebag full av flotte produkter. En vellykket dag. En stor takk til Elisienda og Marthe, som ville stille opp som modeller.
torsdag 27. november 2008
Guess Who

For en stund siden var jeg med på en liten reklamejobb, som nå plutselig henger rundt i hele Oslo. Oppdraget var fantastisk moro, fordi fotografen er brilliant og ekstremt underholdene. Synes personlig det ble kult. Tanken bak er at vi sparer strøm på middag ved å kle oss godt inne.. Kan du se hvem jeg er?
A while back I was shooting this commercial shot for a electricity company. The idea is that we are saving the power, while having friends over for a dinner. Suddenly, the picture is all over the city, and I must say its weird, but good. The shot was a lot of fun, as the photographer cracked us up with all his funny jokes. Can you guess who I am?
onsdag 26. november 2008
Det er ikke helt desember ennå, men jeg synes det var en passende tid for en konkurranse. I sommer fortalte jeg om Koola anna, som jeg synes har mye fint. En av mine favoritter fra merket, er de baggy jeansene jeg har på meg på bildet. Disse kan du nå vinne! Konkurransen er som følger: På bildet skal jeg forestille en av mine stilforbilder. Hun er ikke redd for å kle seg i det hun vil og hun elsker sko og cosmopolitans. Hvem er det jeg skal forestille og hvilket år ble Koola anna startet? Send meg en mail på siljesfashion@hotmail.com før 2 desember, og du er med i trekningen om de tøffe jeansene. Jeg har et par jeans i størrelse 27 & et i 28, så husk å skriv hvilken du foretrekker, hvis du vinner.
Dear readers,
A while back ago I had a post about Koola Anna. I love their affordable collections and especially the cool jeans, dresses and tshirts. The baggy jeans pictured are some of my favorites, and I was lucky enough to get some of the same jeans that you can win! In this picture, I am dressed up like one of my favorite characters. This girl dresses in tutus, loves her shoes and cosmopolitans. Just tell me, who I am supposed to be and which year Koola anna started (check out their website), and you are in the competition! Send your answer to siljesfashion@hotmail.com before 2 of december. Ps: I have one pair in 27 & another in 28, so let me know which one you prefer if you should be the lucky winner.
tirsdag 25. november 2008
Matthew Williamson for H&M

Foto: H&M
H&M bekreftet idag at deres nye gjestedesigner er Matthew Williamson. Den britiske designeren skal nemlig lage eksklusive sommerplagg for billigkjeden. Williamson er kjent for sine fargerike kreasjoner og personlig er jeg spent for hva han kommer med for H&M. Blir det noe a la 70-talls stilen og de kjente kjolene med kule print og trykk, kommer det helt sikkert til å falle i min smak. Kommer du til å shoppe denne kolleksjonen?
You are looking at H&Ms new guest designer. This summer its the british designer Matthew Williamsons turn to entice us with his prints and sweet summer dresses. I am very excited about this collaboration, because I think some of the summer items will appeal to my style. I love his prints, colors and designs. Will you be buying this collection when it hits the store?
søndag 23. november 2008
Another Favorite from San Francisco

Dress: Vintage, Boots: Inc, Tights: H&M, Vest: Vero Moda, Scarf: Borrowed from my husband.
I really enjoy fall, with all its beauty and different colors. Sundays are often spent either going for a walk, if the weather permits, or at a coffeehouse enjoying some java with good friends.
Remember I showed you the vintage paysley dress that I bougth in San Francisco? Well, it has been in good use since then. I love the dress, which could very well have been from Anna Sui or Guccis fall line with its 70s print. The fact that it is vintage, makes it all that more special to me. Thanks to the wonderful Songy of Stylediscovery, who made this cool collage. Without her, there would have been just plain images. She is a IT genius and a wonderful writer, so I recommend that you check out her blog!
fredag 21. november 2008
A Meeting With Dita Von Teese
Photo: Elissa Love Goodkin
Min kjærlighet til vintage gjør at jeg ofte kommer i
snakk med mennesker som har samme interesse
som meg. Da jeg var på Fashion Expo i Santa Monica
i Los Angeles for et par uker siden, var jeg så heldig å
støte på Dita Von Teese. Hun er bare en av kjendisene i LA
som elsker vintage og ofte er å se på vintagemesser som denne.
Det var ganske surrealistisk å lete gjennom samme klesbunke
som henne etter 50-tallskjoler. Dessutten var hun så liten
at jeg følte meg som en kjempe ved siden av henne. Men hun
var veldig søt og hyggelig. Hun fortalte at hun elsker vintage,
og at hun ofte drar rundt på messer og plukker klærne sine selv.
På samme stand traff jeg forøvrig også et par andre kjendiser.
Mer om dette kan du lese om i min nye spalte i Du Denne uken,
som er i butikkene idag!
As promised I am giving you a sneak peak from the magazine
As promised I am giving you a sneak peak from the magazine
Du Denne uken, about some of my experiences in Los Angeles. As
of this week I have my own column (Yay!) and my first topic is my meeting
with Dita Von Teese, while vintageshopping in LA. Me and my good
friend Elissa, went to Fashion Expo in Santa Monica to look for some
vintage treasures. And that was not all we found, because as we
were rummaging through old dresses from the 50s I saw
Dita Von Teese doing the same thing. It was unreal, but she
was very nice. She is so tiny, I felt like a giant next to her. She loves
vintage, and she scored a lot of deals while we where there. She
picked up quite a few vintage dresses and chinese inspired kimonos,
brooches and pants. She said she often goes by herself and likes to
look through things, like me. Usually people leave her alone (not me!)
and she said she had found some amazing things tis time. On top of
that there were two other quite famous celebs rummaging around.
One is a stylist to the stars and always wears sunglasses and fur, while the
other is Oprahs favorite interiordesigner. Can you guess who I am
talking about?
Vintage stores
torsdag 20. november 2008
Almost Friday

one of the nice moments on our trip to Los Angeles. This friday
was one of them, sitting outside talking with friends and having
drinks at The Grill in Westlake.
called Ruby Red Grapefruit Martini. Its soo good it will
make your head spin. They also have amazing food, and
fridays the have happy hour prices. How I wish it was
friday and that we were still in LA!
Wearing: vintage sunglasses from San Francisco,
scarf from Bik Bok, tee from H&M and Seven for
all Mankind jeans.
tirsdag 18. november 2008
Inspiration: Alexander Wang
Sometimes you just want to be the opposite
of sweet. Let the style speak.
Jacket: Bik Bok
Tights: F21
Dress: Carlings
Beanie: H&M
Boots: Inc
Digger de nye svarte tightsene fra F21 som jeg kjøpte i LA.
Et røverkjøp til hundre kroner, som jeg kan bruke til hverdags
og til fest. Disse skal jeg bruke til kardigans, strikkejakker,
kjoler og paljett toppene mine. Sjekk ut siden deres hvis du
liker tights.
I love my new black shiny tights from Forever 21, that I
bought in LA. They are great with knits, sequines and
dresses for that edgy look. Will you be buying tights like
these this season?
Testing: Rouge/Highlighter from Youngblood

Jeg elsker produkter som kan brukes på flere måter.
Youngblood highlighter/rouge i Splendor er et slikt produkt.
Skal du på fest er det bare å ta med seg dette i vesken, for
du kan bruke det som rouge, øyenskygge eller highlighter.
Du kan blande de 4 fargene for en ekstra glød i kinnene, eller
for eksempel to av fargene som øyenskygge. Her er mulighetene
utallige! Den naturlige sminken får du hos Beautybasket.
Siden fargene passer de fleste og produktet er så allsidig,
anbefaler jeg dette som en venninnegave denne julen.
I love a product that has a multifunctional effect.
Youngblood Mineral Makeup Rouge/highlighter in
Splendor is such a product. The four colors can be
blended as a rouge, or used as eyeshadow. When you
are going to a party, this is the perfect multiproduct
to bring along!
mandag 17. november 2008
Gina Tricot Online

Photo: Gina Tricot
Visste du at du nå kan bestille Gina Tricot på nettet?
På Gina Tricot kan du bestille jakker, kjoler, topper
og bukser. De har faktisk ganske bra utvalg på siden,
så det er verdt å sjekke ut!
The swedish brand Gina Tricot just opened a webshop,
so its possible to order online. I love to order from home,
so that fits me perfectly. I especially like their dresses and
jackets this season. Cheap and good, thats how we like it.
søndag 16. november 2008
Saturday Night with the Girls
It had been way to long since we went dancing.
Of course I knew that I had to wear one of
my new vintage sequined tops.
Add champagne, funny girls and a lot
of dancing to great music, and you have a
perfect night out.
Jeans: Acne
Jacket: H&M
Bag: Vintage gold clutch
Boots: Inc
Det er vel ingen hemmelighet at jeg elsker å pynte meg.
Igår hadde jeg veldig lyst til å bruke en av vintagetoppene
jeg kjøpte i San Francisco. Med jeans og H&M jakken, ble
antrekket perfekt for en kveld med champagne, dansing og moro!
I love to get dressed up for a night out. I always take my time,
prep and listen to music before the girls arrive. Well, you know
me, its got to be glamorous. Pink champagne, lots of 70s music,
and fun girls, set the tone for the night. We had so much fun both
preparty and out dancing. I made it home at 3 am in the morning..
lørdag 15. november 2008
Velvet Lust

Photo: Fabsugar
Ønsker meg den fantastiske jakken til Ashley Olsen i grå fløyel.
Siden jeg ikke har sett noe lignende noen steder, må jeg nok lete
på ebay etter en slik jakke. Skoene fra YSL er også to die for.
Synes egentlig antrekkene til begge Olsen-jentene er kule.
Svart og grått er flotte farger sammen, det er også rødt og
grått, som på Mary-Kate. Begge disse antrekkene passer til årets
julebordsesong. Hvem liker du best, Ashley eller Mary-Kate?
I love Ashley Olsens grey velvet jacket. Come to think of it, I love
both their outfits. I think both sisters have great sense of style and
are great at bringing individual flair to their outfits. But, I am I love with
that velvet coat. Since I have not seen anything similar, I am will be
looking this on ebay or when vintageshopping. Which girls style do you
love most, Ashley or Mary-Kate?
fredag 14. november 2008
House of Harlow 1960

Nicole Richies House of Harlow 1960 er noe av de hotteste
smykkene du kan kjøpe deg akkurat nå. Elsker de kule
armbåndene og den store ringen. Les mer i Du Denne Uken
som er i butikken idag. Ha en god kveld alle sammen!
Se hele kolleksjonen på shopkitson
Love Nicole Richies new jewelry line at shopkitson I find the
bracelets to be very cool and just my hippie style. Love the
big black and gold bracelet. The best thing about the line
House of Harlow 1960, is that it is affordable.
Have a great weekend everybody!
onsdag 12. november 2008
Sneak Peak: Bruuns Bazaar 09

Vi dro en tur innom Bruuns Bazaar på vei hjem fra jobb, for å
sjekke ut vår/sommer kolleksjonen 2009. Det er bare å glede seg,
for de er masse fint i denne kolleksjonen. Skinnjakker, kjoler,
store trykk og de friske fargene var bare noe av det jeg falt for.
Men, mitt beste tips for våren er et par lyse støvletter som de ovenfor.
Disse står øverst på min ønskeliste akkurat nå!
Stopped by Bruunz Bazaar on the way home to see their spring
collection. Loved the colors, the prints and the champagne. I know
I will wish for the leather jackets, the dresses in burnt orange and
the white linen dresses, come spring. But on the top of my wishlisht
are these amazing nude leather boots! These would be perfect in my
wardrobe right now.
tirsdag 11. november 2008
Model For a Day?
Tirsdag 18 november skal jeg lage en motesak med Kvinneguiden
om festkjoler. Vi trenger en som har lyst til å være modell for en dag,
i et par timer på ettermiddagen i Oslo. Jeg oppfordrer alle mine norske
lesere til å sende meg en mail m bilde og et par ord om hvorfor akkurat du bør
være modellen. Jobben er ubetalt, men jeg lover den som blir med mye
moro! Send meg en mail på siljesfashion@hotmail.com
Thank you all for your lovely comments on my banner. I was ready
for a change, so was the blog. I am taking a little break from my
US vacation posts, but will return with a interview on friday, that are
to be published in the magazine I work for. As for this post, I am looking
for a model for a day for a TV segment I am doing for an online magazine,
so I am asking all my Norwegian readers if they want to be a model for a day.
Unpaid, but a lot of fun!
om festkjoler. Vi trenger en som har lyst til å være modell for en dag,
i et par timer på ettermiddagen i Oslo. Jeg oppfordrer alle mine norske
lesere til å sende meg en mail m bilde og et par ord om hvorfor akkurat du bør
være modellen. Jobben er ubetalt, men jeg lover den som blir med mye
moro! Send meg en mail på siljesfashion@hotmail.com
Thank you all for your lovely comments on my banner. I was ready
for a change, so was the blog. I am taking a little break from my
US vacation posts, but will return with a interview on friday, that are
to be published in the magazine I work for. As for this post, I am looking
for a model for a day for a TV segment I am doing for an online magazine,
so I am asking all my Norwegian readers if they want to be a model for a day.
Unpaid, but a lot of fun!
søndag 9. november 2008
Brunch at The Four Seasons
We were so lucky to get to experience a brunch at The Four Seasons
in Westlake Village. It was amazing sitting on the patio, enjoying the
company of friends, the food and the spectacular garden.
I really enjoyed the serenity of the garden. No wonder it
is a spa/wellness hotel.
think of a better way to spend a sunday?
The brunch is marvelous with a great selection. Be sure to get there
hungry, so you have room for all the fantastic food like panckakes,
I decided to sample all the different food with just a small piece
of each. That was a great idea, and I was very happy with my
4 small servings. At our table, my husband won hands down
with 6 trips to the buffet.
Of course we had to have another round of that amazing champagne.
Having fun.
the other day.
Cardigan: Cubus
Handbag: Vintage Chanel
Sunglasses: Ysl
lørdag 8. november 2008
Vintage Shopping at Melrose
Outfit: Tee Vero Moda, Jeans American Eagle (just bought),
vintage bracelets and Gucci Handbag. After a morning with
pedicure and coffee, we decided to drive down to Melrose
for some vintage shopping. I love Melrose, because the stores
are within walking distance and the stores have such a variety
of clothes. One store is great at leather jackets while another have
a great collection of shoes.
Wasteland is one of my all time favorite stores. Not only do
they have cute vintage dresses, they sell last seasons Marc Jacobs,
Pierre Hardy, Gucci and so on, to affordable prices. We spent quite
some thing looking through everything. My best advice when it
comes to vintage shopping, is to be patient and have a lot of time.
I can be a very fast shopper, but thats only because I know what
I am looking for. Still, then you can miss some gems that arent to obvious.
You can easily spend a whole day vintageshopping at Melrose.
Slow is very affordable. You can pick up leather clutches
for about 10 dollars and up. They also have nice sunglasses,
dresses and a cool mens selection which includes cowboy boots
and tons of suits from the 70s.
A great store with a huge collection of leather jackets,
winter coats and sequined dresses. Check the backroom
for the ultimate goodies. I did not find the ultimate black
leather jacket, but I must say I was impressed with the selection.
One of my favorite stores in LA. Upstairs they carry all
the ultimate within vintage, like Hermes handbags and YSL
dresses from the 70s. Decades Two downstairs, is much more
affordable, and you can find Marc Jacobs, DVF, Missoni and
tons of other designer brands for less. It is still pricey compared
to other vintage stores like Wasteland, but well worth a visit.
The window display at Decades.
After all that shopping, it was time for some r & r. What better
than the worlds best cupcakes from Sprinkles?
The line was insane, at least the whole block (we were in
the middle when I took this photo). At least we had fun!
And it was totally worth it. My favorite? Coconut and vanilla.

My best buy: Pierre Hardy shoes at Decades. I also
bought Pucci shoes and some bracelets.
Tomorrow: Brunch at The Four Seasons
fredag 7. november 2008
A Scenic Drive
Carmel must be one of the most charming small cities
in the world. After a wonderfull breakfast at the Village Inn
we decided to explore the streets of Carmel. I am wearing
a Vero Moda jacket, Seven for all Mankind jeans, my beloved
Chanel handbag, vintage scarf and sunglasses.
there was only one room left at the Village Inn. We got one of
their gorgeous and huge suites, which was great after a long drive.
I recommend this cosy Inn to anybody travelling to Carmel.
I loved all the small shops and wonderful bakerys and restaurants.

Coffee and pastries. Yum.
One of my favorite store was Fourtane Antique and
Vintage Jewelers. They had a magnificent collection of
The bracelet on the left was my favorite. I swooned
about it all day, but decided it was way to expensive.
Unfortunately, I will probably regret that decision for the
rest of my life. Such beautiful handcraft. We had a great
time in Carmel, but after a few hours it was time to go.
Our sweet ass ride. Somewhere on the beautiful coast
between Carmel and Big Sur. I must say that driving a
cabriolet for a long time, was not as glamorous as expected.
I tried to do a Jackie O with a silkscarf, but it kept falling off.
But my husband always have a solution, so his golf cap had
The view was breathtaking.
Big Sur was totally different from what I expected. There was
really no main city, just small shops, restaurants and hotels spread
out along the road. I loved the small shops and bought scented
living a very different lives than us. This drive was one of those great
experiences I will remember and treasure forever.
Next: Vintage shopping in Los Angeles
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