lørdag 20. desember 2008

Before the Party

Outfit: Tee: Koola Anna, Cardigan and tights: F21, new faux fur throw: Cubus, Shoes: Jessica Simpson & new headband from Accessorize.
Idag koser jeg meg inne, før vi skal til en venninne på julegløgg. Gleder meg , det blir nok veldig hyggelig. Før festen måtte jeg prøve ut noen av de nye tingene jeg kjøpte meg under siste julegaveinnkjøp, som hårbåndet og den falske pelshalsen fra Cubus. Håper dere får en fin lørdag!
Today I am just lounging inside i anticipation for the traditional Christmas Party at our friends house. She is serving all the usual cookies and gløgg, a Norwegian traditional Christmasdrink. I cant wait to see everybody and have a good time. Have a great Saturday!

22 kommentarer:

www.janetteria.com sa...

Hi Silje,

I adore your T-shirt! :)Great outfit!

xoxo: Janet

keira antoia rose sa...

you have lovely style. it seems like a lot of people have started wearing the faux fur. i'm thinking about going thrifting to find one.

xoxo ISabella Clarisse xoxo

Anonym sa...

oo hot leggings, just nice proportions overall

Vertiginoso sa...

I am always mesmerized by the harmony Black tights (AND such a "Body conscious-esque" Vertigo !!!) / "Dark nail polish for the arrogant toes of a classy fashionista" . . .

à Bientôt, Antoine

Sharon sa...

Hi there-do have a wonderful time my dear, it sounds like it will be wonderful!! thanks for the well wishes too, you're looking lovely!

anette sa...

Kult antrekk! Ha en hyggelig kveld!


So do you!!!! And a good rest on sunday!!!!

Anonym sa...

very cute!
i love the faux fur scarf!

Siru sa...

I'm officially a fan.

juliet xxx

Ella Gregory sa...

I love this look, it's very cool.
Those shoes are fab too.

the healthy ghost sa...

Love your look

escritora sa...

you look fabulous :)

Vintage Lollipops sa...

This is LOVE.

Super gorgeous.


Reena Rai sa...

The perfect leggings outfit - killer heels, longish top and a slouchy cardi

Fashion Tidbits sa...

cute outfit! merry christmas!

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka sa...

Snygg outfit!
gillar pälskragen.

Couture Carrie sa...

Hey S!
You look fantastic! Love that fur wrap :)

Btw - gave you a little feature and link today!


P.S. I can totally see you in the shredded jeans - let me know how your DIY goes!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

you are always gorgeous, always x

Vera sa...

such a great look! i love the fur shawl, makes it very special

Vikkebekke sa...

Bra du går for fuskepels i stedet for ekte pels, i hvertfall i dette tilfellet. Man ser kanskje ikke helt forskjell på avstand heller...!

Anonym sa...

Great fur collar...

Genevieve sa...

LOVE your scarf xo