Etter et par tøffe uker, var det på tide med litt egenpleie. Var hos venninnen min som er frisør og fikset på håret før kveldens julebord. Kjempefornøyd med farge og klipp. Det er andre gang jeg bruker leopardjakken og reaksjonene lar ikke vente på seg, enten så digger man den eller hater den. En av jentene syntes jeg lignet på Rachel Zoe, og det tar iallefall jeg som et kompliment. Ha en flott lørdag!
After a couple of though weeks, I was finally getting my hair done by one of my best friends. I was very happy with how it turned out, and its perfect for the Christmas party I am going to tonight. I also wore my jacket for the second time, and the reactions have been mixed, people either love it or hate it. But I like it, and when one of the girls said I looked like Rachel Zoe, I took that as a compliment. People can say what they want, this jacket is a stayer in my closet. Have a nice Saturday everyone!
26 kommentarer:
Elsker jakken
Syns jakken var helt fantastisk jeg!
Hi there-LOL, we are both rocking our fur jackets today!! Of course I love yours, it looks fabulous and a great investment piece! have a lovely time tonight!
Jeg liker den! Og du likner faktisk litt på R. Zoe på det bildet!
Hi Silje,
Great find! Leopard patterned is fantastic choice with your blondie hair.
Have a great weekend Silje!
xoxo: Janet
i LOVE it, so zoe <3
Vilken härlig päls!
elsker jakken - looks warm and cute.
I love this jacket and you look fabulous. Have a great time.
Fantastisk kult! Veldig fin på håret og. Skikkelig fin lørdagslook :)
Ja! Veldig Rachel Zoe men veldig fint også!
That's really your signature look, short jacket, jeans and boots.
I love the jacket, very Rachel Zoe. It looks so warm but so stylish too.
Are they insane? It's adorable!!
You have a great site! You should check this one out too....she has great taste as well.
Hey ! Really nice coat ! Kate Moss had one like this, it looks really hot ! See U =D
Jeg er en sucker for faux leopard fur<3
I think it only matters what you think, S!
Having said that, I'll offer my opinions:
Hair: Gorgeous!
Jacket: Perfect!
Love you hair - it does look perfect and love your jacket!
I'm afraid you beat Rachel zoe hands down.
Ohmygod, i've been searching during a while a coat as nice as yours... you look so great ! i love your hair and the way you wear it. thank you for your nice comment on our blog :) hope you'll can stop by another day. HUGS <3
Jeg elsket jakken din! Helt nydelig! :)
the jacket looks great on your, very classy, once again like the fake fur last week only you can pull it off
kul jakke:D
veldig fin jakke silje, og utrolig fint bilde. håper det ble søndagsshopping på deg
you look totally cute. i wear fur and i don't care what people say.
I love this look! You are so stylish and chic, but yet edgy at the same time! Awesome!
love the jacket.. and love the snow.............!
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