Må bare en liten tur ut å sjekke ut salgene idag. Gina Tricot, Zara, H&M og Bik Bok, vet jeg har mye bra. Leter selv etter et par ullkardigans, gjerne i pudderfarger. Hvis dere fremdeles leter etter nyttårskjolen, anbefaler jeg Zara og Mango som har mange fine kjoler til under tusenlappen. Har du ikke råd, så kan du feks kjøpe deg en mørk neglelakk, et belte og noen kule smykker, så fikser du kjapt opp en av kjolene du allerede har hengende i klesskapet.
Prøver sakte men sikkert å komme tilbake i litt jobbmodus, så gjorde et intervju for en sak jeg jobber med i dag tidlig. I ettermiddag skal vi på julelunch, som jeg gleder meg veldig til. Deilig mat og drikke står på menyen.
Tee: Cubus, Jacket: Carlings, Shoes: F21, Scarf, tights & wool socks (one of the christmas presents).
I am still technically on vacation, but have decided to work a little, so that next month wont be that busy. So today, I did a interview for a case I am working on and it went really well. Now I am off to hit the sales, and I hope I can find some more wool cardigans & sweaters. Later, we are off to another Christmas Party which are one of my favorites. Its a lunch that last all afternoon, with a great mix of people, lovely food and wine. Hope you are enjoying your holiday!
14 kommentarer:
Hi Silje
You are pretty, than always. I love pastel colours & grey mix! Great!
big kisses: Janet
You look absolutely lovely! A new fan of your blog <3 Happy New Year's xx
Herlig antrekk, Silje! Er på intens jakt etter sånne "skoletter" (finner ikke noe bedre ord for det) som du har på bildet der.. bare litt "tøffere".. men.. finner ingen. Har du sett noen fine i det siste?
Rosa og grått, uslåelig kombinasjon!
I love the color divide, all beige on top and black on bottom, fantastic and classy
Neglelakk ja. Det skal jeg gjøre i kveld, typisk sånt jeg glemmer i siste liten.
Agh how do you do it - look great and all the partying - well done you!!
what line of work do you do S? i just imagine that it is way cooler than everyone else haha! you are such a glamor queen xo
Hi there-you look so casually chic and cosy, pleased you are enjoying the holidays my dear!!
The muted colors are fantastic...
It's so lovely.
i'm loving chunky knit sweaters and cardigans! like the one you have on! very soft colours but still warm.
The subtle softness of the colors' palette really suits you perfectly (Mmmh Mmmh And about cardigans, just in case you can see a way to wear it on my Blog . . .)
ps: You're frankly Stunning with your "LBD" on the precedent post Silje, full of GLAMorous SEXYness !!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
That's an unexpected colour combination and it is simply beautiful.
I like this outfit very, very much. Love the combination.
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