torsdag 11. desember 2008

White Snow

As soon as there is sun, I am out to enjoy it. Its important to be warm, so a wool scarf and a beanie is required.
Outfit: Leather jacket: C-Girl from Voice, Wool cardigan: Carlings, Vinyl Tights: Target, Beanie: H&M, Shoes: Bakers of Ebay and Scarf: Pashmina International.
Minusgradene kryper bare nedover, men det er ingen grunn til å ikke se bra ut. Ull, kashmir og pashminas er mine beste valg i vinterkulden. Det svarte ullskjerfet er fra Pashmina International, som har de lekreste skjerf og shipper gratis til hele verden. Kanskje finner du enda en julegave eller et sjal til deg selv?
It is getting really cold, but thats no excuse for not dressing fashionably. When its this cold, I usually wear wool, cashmere and pashminas to keep warm. I love my new scarf from Pashmina International. This one is wool, but they have a huge selection, scarves in every color and free shipping around the world. Worth taking a look at! Of course, if you have a LV pashmina, this will not be sufficient. But this is a great budget option, and I am all about getting the best deals.

21 kommentarer:

Ella Gregory sa...

I love the long cardigan, stylish and cosy.

Reena Rai sa...

Love the texture clash, those shiny plastic-y leggings and the soft fluffy cardigan

Nemerae sa...

I love your whole outfit!! it's perfect *.*

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

i love how you're always chic, no matter how chilly it is outside. when it dips below 30 degrees, i end up looking like a massive snowman!


Love the contrast between the leather jacket and the long cardigan, it's really stylish.

Anonym sa...


Angela sa...

what cute shots. sa...

Lovely outfit, Silje! Cute girl! :)

I adore the cashmere, the wool, the fabric, the silk&cashmere mix & tweed!

Anonym sa...

oo you look warm and chic, love the layered cardi w/ the bomber

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

these are just gorgeous!


such a great snow day outfit!

love those boots, who makes them?

i will admit hate the snow but love wearing layers and chunky knits and getting all cozy...


Lady Melbourne sa...

Perfect Silje, just the most perfect winter outfit. I'm sorry I didn't buy a jacket like yours this winter just gone, next year!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-a very stylish and cosy outfit, those vinyl tights just rock!! have a great weekend my dear!

Siru sa...

How cold is there now? Here in Finland it hasn't yet gone below -5C.

juliet xxx

WendyB sa...

You look so good in hats.

escritora sa...

oh my! scarves! i am scarves addicted! i need to buy another one ;)

anette sa...

Kjempefint antrekk! Det er kult samtidig som det er varmt, og det er intet mindre enn imponerende!

Vertiginoso sa...

Your vinyl tights instils an electrifying "JamesBondGirlesque" touch on your silhouette, an allure of classy "Snow Tigress" full of haughty serenity !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka sa...

Härliga vinterbilder och snygg outfit!

Couture Carrie sa...

Oh you are so beautiful in the snow, Silje! Love those boots!


Anonym sa...

What an adorable outfit.
jeg elsker det. cute blog too.