mandag 8. desember 2008

Gifts for the Fashionista

Julegaveshopping kan være et ork, så jeg tenkte å sette sammen et par collager for å gi dere noen shoppingideer. Først ut er fashionistaen, jenta som tenker, lever og ånder for mote. Hun ønsker seg også en del dyre ting, men for å være helt ærlig så hadde jeg blitt veldig glad for kjedet fra TopShop, neglelakken fra Chanel eller fjærpynten fra Fredflare. Kule gaver som ikke koster all verden. Pakk det inn i en lekker gaveeske og voila, enda en gave mindre å tenke på.

As we are closing in on Christmas, I thought I would give you some shopping ideas. These are some of the things that I would want for Christmas, and that I know a lot of fashion forward ladies are wishing for as well. Mind you, I dont think its at all necessary to spend a lot of money on gifts. Just be sure to wrap the gifts nicely with a lovely card. I know I would get just as excited for this TopShop necklace as for the Chanel nailpolish.

15 kommentarer:

anette sa...

Så utrolig kule gaveidéer! Jeg håper noen finner dette og tenker på meg... Selv har jeg handlet alle gavene nå. Cool collage!

Vertiginoso sa...

Oooooohh These pink "peep-toe" heels frankly seems to be made for your fashionista's feet !!!!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Vera sa...

want all of those things, especially the chanel..

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

great list! i'll take the bag, the nail polish and the headband please :) sa...

Great post! I adore Chanel bag, nail polish & pretty peep toe...

Have a great day, Silje!

P.S.: I wish it, let your wishlist come true.

Siru sa...

I'd be happy with any of those gifts!

juliet xxx

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka sa...

I like the necklace

Vintage Lollipops sa...

Oh this is perfect.

The chains.

glory sa...

your rith, something like the black satin it`'s a grate present.... kisses

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Wouldn't it be great to see the Chanel bag under the tree?! Lovely picks.

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

yep--you got it SO right! xo

WendyB sa...

Sigh. That pink shoe is divine.

Sharon sa...

Hi there-yes, a really lovely selection, I would love any of these!

Fashion Tidbits sa...

yummy picks!

Songy sa...

Nice, I just need to be invited to a party.. nice one that is.