torsdag 18. desember 2008

My Christmas Wishes

Mest av alt ønsker jeg meg noe som ikke kommer i en pakke.
Men nå er det jo slik at de fleste pakkene gjør akkurat det. I år ønsker jeg meg nok mest småting, som SATC-filmen, et deilig kasmirskjerf, eller et smykke fra Kenneth Jay Lane. De Christian Louboutin skoene av en rosa drøm, står det jo også mitt navn på. Er dere ferdige med julegaveshoppingen? Jeg har selv et par igjen.

Most of all I wish for something that does not come in a box. But since family & friends usually give the boxes, I do have some preferances. Like the SATC Movie, a piece of Kenneth Jay Lane jewelry or those pink Christian Louboutins. I think they have my name on them. Are you done giftshopping? I just have a couple left myself, that I hopefully can get done today.

14 kommentarer: sa...

Hi Silje,

Great wishes! :)))) I want grey long cardigan, KJL bangle... :D

kisses: Janet

anette sa...

Alle gaver kjøpt- nå mangler bare treet og maten! Håper du får det du ønsker deg aller mest!
Kjempefine ting foresten- jeg hadde blitt glad for hva som helst av det! Om venner og familie av deg leser bloggen, så er du kanskje heldig...!

Make Do Style sa...

Nearly but I'm losing the will to do it, mind you your wish list has cheered me up!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-those pink CLs are soo gorgeous!! thanks for the well wishes too!

Jane sa...

lovely wish list. I hope you get everything you ask santa for and have a lovely xmas!



I'm not done yet... wish you get the pink Louboutins, they are so lovely.

Anonym sa...

oo I have a zebra bracelet like that! good luck with the gifts!

escritora sa...

i like this cashmere scarf. stilettos are almost fantastic.. because they are pink ;)

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

i want it all, i know youll get everything and more xx

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

oh, i want to email you with something...xx

Anonym sa...

The KJL bangle is great, and I'm obsessed with the drape-y layering cardigans at the moment...

Tricia sa...

you totally need those pink louboutins, they're so you!

TheMinx sa...

I love the scarf and, of course, Influence. I think it's the book on most fashionistas x-mas lists! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!


yummy picks! x