Levende lys, gavepakking og julemusikk. Endelig er det fredag! Selv om vi bare skal være hjemme ikveld, måtte jeg teste ut de nye skoene mine fra Zara og skjørtet som jeg kjøpte i San Francisco. Kanskje blir dette en av juleantrekkene. Nå går julefavoritten "Last Christmas" for fullt på høytalerne. Hvilken julesang foretrekker du?
Finally friday. My plans for this evening is to listen to christmas music while I giftwrap the last presents. And there is no need for looking less than glamorous, so I had to put on my new Zara shoes and the high waisted leopard skirt from F21, that I bought in San Francisco. There is no christmas spirit without "Last Christmas" and a glass of bubbles for me. Whats your favorite christmas song?
Finally friday. My plans for this evening is to listen to christmas music while I giftwrap the last presents. And there is no need for looking less than glamorous, so I had to put on my new Zara shoes and the high waisted leopard skirt from F21, that I bought in San Francisco. There is no christmas spirit without "Last Christmas" and a glass of bubbles for me. Whats your favorite christmas song?
18 kommentarer:
omg you look amazing, love the skirt, and its only from F21, thus proving real style doesn't cost too much :) i love carol of the bells
You look fabulous in that outfit!
nice shoes.
you look very cute. i like the all black look with a break in the skirt.
Funny but I don't have any favorite Xmas song but I like the way you look when you wrap your gifts. This high waist skirt is lovely. See Couture Carrie's post?
Flott antrekk, klassisk og kledelig! Enig i at det hyggelig å kle seg pent selv om man bare skal være hjemme, jeg liker ikke "kosedresser". Tar heller en myk cashmere genserkjole. Min julefavoritt er White Christmas.
Love those shoes.:)
How a lovely outfit. Sweety Silje! I adore Zara heels. Season collection?
kisses: Janet
I love your outfit!! It looks very well put together.
I love the music on the movie Love Actually, and Sarah McGlaughlin's christmas album is also very pretty
Lekkert Silje! Elske skoene dine, har sett meg ut et par lignande frå Topshop. Synd Zara ikkje har lika bra nettside som Topshop og Mango..
Min favoritt-julesang må vera Driving home for Christmas :)
Jayne: Thanks, lovely! Carol of the bells is really wonderful.
G&F and Savy Mode: Thanks girls!
Miss Glitsy: Yes, right after my post!
Anette: White Christmas er nydelig. Skulle ønske snøen hadde holdt seg til julen!
Leigh: Thank you!
Janettaylor: Yes, I just bought them!
Trains and Sewing Machines: Thank you! I have to check out that album!
Macarona: Enig! Driving Home for Christmas er også en av mine favoritter.
Great outfit, you look amazing!! love it :)
Great minds, eh? Loving your high-waisted skirt loo - modelicious, per usual, S!
u look like kate moss here
Adore that skirt!
best christmas songs are all i want for christmas is you and feliz navidad. love the skirt :)
Digger dette antrekket!
awesome skirt!
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