tirsdag 23. desember 2008

Merry Christmas

Dress & Boots: F21, Jacket: Bik Bok, Earrings: H&M

Imorgen er det julaften, men allerede ikveld starter julemiddagene for vår del. Siden det er mange anledninger til å pynte seg, har jeg lagt fram endel kjoler som skal brukes. Denne kjolen fra F21, kjøpte jeg i San Francisco og passer perfekt til julemiddager. Gleder meg til å pynte treet, spise god julemat og slappe av. Jeg tar meg et par dager fri for å nyte julen med familie & venner. Ønsker dere alle en fantastisk flott jul! Måtte dere få alt dere ønsker dere og litt til.

In Norway we celebrate Christmas tomorrow, so today is all about decorating the three and the first Christmas dinner with some of the parents. I have been waiting for the right party to wear this festive dress from F21, that I bought in San Francisco and tonight seems to be just the right occasion. I am looking forward to relaxing, spending time with family & friends, and having time off. I wish you all a nice time with your family & loved ones. Merry Christmas to you all!

35 kommentarer:

www.janetteria.com sa...

Congratulations Silje! Great your outfits & you are beautiful!

Merry Christmas! :))))

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-Have a wonderful day tomorrow, Merry Xmas to you and your husband and happy holidays-looking gorgeous as usual and I adore those earrings!!

Anonym sa...

merry xmas Silje! that dress is heavenly! I really need to rethink F21 as a formidable resource for fashion!

Fashion Tidbits sa...

it's gorgeous, the dress is really lovely

Vertiginoso sa...

I really like the GLAMorous "Black trilogy" boots/blazer/nail polish, it intils a mysterious twist on your sparkling oufit . . .
ps: Merry Christmas to You too Silje !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Vertiginoso sa...

ps: Eeeeeuuuuhh (very shy) . . . "instils", of course !!!

- sa...

thre's a quite similar dress in zara


Merry Chritmas Silje! Have a good time with family and friends. The dress is perfect and you look lovely.

WendyB sa...

Cute party dress!

Reena Rai sa...

Have a wonderful day!! Cannot believe that dress is from F21, looks so similar to the Alexander Wang dress Serena wore in season 1 od gossip girl!

Kira Aderne sa...

Merry X-mas girl!

My best wishes for you!!!

a kiss from Brazil :)))

OhDearLeah sa...

merry christmas to you too!


Anonym sa...

Happy Christmas Silje!

Siru sa...

Merry Christmas! God Jul!

juliet xxx

Mónica sa...

lovely dress;) Merry Christmas;)!

Economy of Style sa...

Love the look! Have a wonderful holiday!

Vintage Lollipops sa...

Happy Holidays love... have a wonderful time.

Amazing outfit!


Anonym sa...

Have a fantastic day tomorrow!! Love the dress, excellent find!! xx

chauss sa...

cute dress and merry christmas1

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

What a fun dress. Enjoy the holidays! Cheers!

Song of Style sa...

i can't believe that dress is from forever 21.
i heart they way u styled it!

The Style Of Vintage sa...

veldig fin kjole!

Anonym sa...

awesome dress!

Vera sa...

Have a Merry Christmas, babe! You look gorgeous and your legs are simply fantastic!

Trains and Sewing Machines sa...

pretty dress :) Merry Christmas

Ellie Lee sa...

You look so so gorgeous!! Love your dress and booties!

Songy sa...

oh how glamorous!

I hope you had a wonderful time.

Happy holidays, Silje.

anette sa...

God jul! Kjempefint antrekk! Kos deg!

stellawantstodie sa...

love your dress!

merry xtmas!!

Couture Carrie sa...

You look fab in that sequined dress, S! Merry Christmas!


What is Reality Anyway? sa...

HOT HOT HOT Silje!!!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

Perfect holiday dress
I hope you had a great christmas!

L.I.N sa...

so very lovely. im digging all that sequins.

Ragna sa...

Nydelig kjole du. Passer så fint med litt glitring og blinking nå i jula - den perfekte paljettanledning!

Håper du hadde en bra julaften og at du nyter en fredelig romjul :-)

Fashion Addict sa...

You look beautiful in that dress! (as always) I hope you had a great Christmas and wishing you an exciting new year!

Btw, my blog's address has moved to http://www.fashionaddictgirl.com so if you have the time could you please change the link on your blog roll? Thanks!