Shoes: Ysl, Dress: Stella McCartney, Rhinestonebracelet:Balenciaga, Clutch: Anya Hindmarch, Bracelet: F21 and Faux fur jacket from Juicy Couture.
Hvis jeg skulle på julebord ikveld, hadde dette vært drømmeoutfiten. Desverre er jeg så forkjøla at jeg bare må bli på sofaen. Skal iallefall hygge meg med god mat, levende lys og en bra film. God fredagskveld!
If I was going out tonight, this would be my dream outfit. But I am home sick with a cold, so no party for me tonight. If you are going out I hope you get a wonderful time! I am going to enjoy a nice dinner and a movie. Have a nice friday everyone!
26 kommentarer:
Fab collage, S! Especially love the Stella dress and YSL shoes!
Lovely Stella dress! Party chic! :D
Hi there-wishing you better my dear, have a nice relaxing weekend!
Great outfit for a party. I'm so sorry that you got a cold. Hope you feel better after this week-end and take a good rest at home.
Thanks, girls! I am chilling inside, drinking tea & orange juice.
i hope you feel better soon.
Aw, feel better!
Sv: Ja, helt enig :) Hun har en veldig fin blogg!
Lovely shoes!
Rest and take care!
Nydelig antrekk! Skulle gjerne hatt det neste gang jeg skal ut :)
Likte spesielt kjolen og rosearmbåndet!
ahh, those ysl heels are divine!
I hope you get well soon, S!
Maybe you'll get lucky and get to wear an outfit like that soon! The gold sequins would look fantastic with your beautiful hair.
Hope you get well soon, Silje.
That's a nice ensemble for an end of the year party!
Oh dear, stay warm and drink some lemon tea Silje!
beautiful outfit!
Blue is really more electrifying than ever with these haughty "YSL" Heels !!! With all my "cyber-sincere moral support", Frankly
Hope you will feel better !!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
i love the clutch... have a great weekend.
Hope you feel much better dear Silje!
Awesome pieces!
Take care!
Hi Siljes :)!
I came to your BLOG via Economy of Style and I really like it.I wish I would understand more,but your style is so nice.I'll come back for more :)!
Have a nice time!
God bedring Silje! Selv om du er kanskje frisk igjen innen jeg rakk å poste dette...Tusen takk for skotips! Det er så kjekt å få litt input fra andre, så nå ble jeg litt inspirert! Til gjengjeld får du min beste forkjølelseskur som består av myke kasjmirplagg, silkeskjerf fra Hermés og mengder med perler, diamanter (fake er flott), nyvasket hår og lett sminke. Om du ikke føler deg bra kan du iallfall se bra ut! Denne kuren virker mot alt!
Åja, drømmeantrekket var kjempefint! Falt særlig for armåndet. har gått en stund og siklet på et i litt samme stil fra den nye kollekjsonen til Ole Lyngaard.
Hei Anette. Tusen takk for gode tips! Ja, det gjelder å gjøre det beste ut av det, for det er så kjipt å være syk. Jeg får iallfall lest mange blogginnlegg!
great collage! you get well soon babe!
This is definitely what I would wear too!
It's sinful. Lovely.
And yes, I'd love to swap links... I'm adding you now gorgeous.
Nows that outfit would make me gat crush a party
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