onsdag 31. desember 2008

Happy New Year!

Outfit: Dress: Roberto Cavalli for H&M, Faux Fur: H&M, Bracelet: Vintage
Gleder meg til kveldens tre retters middag og fest. Håper dere får en fantastisk flott kveld og ønsker dere alt godt i det nye året! Tusen takk for alle hyggelige meldinger i året som har gått, det betyr uendelig mye.
Before I head out to this evenings dinner & party, I want to thank you all for visiting my blog and all your lovely comments. I cant even begin to tell you all how much it means to me. I hope to see you even more in the New Year, and I hope you get an amazing night with all your friends and loved ones! See you in 2009, which I know will bring changes and lots of new great things for the blog.
XOXO, Silje

41 kommentarer:

www.janetteria.com sa...

Hi Silje,

You are beautiful!

Happy New Year!

xoxo: Janet

Ashley sa...

you're Looking so Pretty!!!
Happy New YeaR!!!!

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka sa...

Tjusig outfit!
Gott nytt år!

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-its been great meeting you this year and keeping up with each others blogs too. You are one of my favourite ladies, both on the style and personality front and I look forward to more stylish updates from you in 2009! Have a great evening and a Happy New Year to you and your husband! Love the dress too!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

You look so beautiful!

Have an amazing NYE

The Style Of Vintage sa...

Der så du fantastisk ut!
Happy New Year! :)


Have a wonderful time tonight. And my best wishes for the new year!

I.M. sa...

I so love your NYE outfit! the dress is beautiful!

Tricia sa...

perfect NYE outfit, love it!
happy new year!

DirtyJulie sa...

Herlig pels!!
Godt nyttår:D

Anonym sa...

happy new year!!

Angela sa...

too stylish! happy new year!!!

Mimi sa...

Hello and thanks for stopping by my blog! It usually doesn't take me this long to comment back, I've been trying to get rid of a horrible cold! I am in love with your coat!!!


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

You look so elegant and glamorous! Happy 2009!

anette sa...

Godt nytt år til deg! Du ser fantastisk ut! heldiggris som klarte å få tak i Cavalli-klærne for H&M!

Make Do Style sa...

You fabby!
Happy New Year xxx

Anonym sa...

Godt Nyttår Silje! Wish you the best for 2009 Klem.

Siru sa...

Happy new year 2009!

juliet xxx

Ragna sa...

Hei Silje og godt nyttår! Den kjolen har jeg ønsket meg, hehe :-) Nydelig - jeg synes leopardmønster er så lekkert i en slik kjole. Liker ikke leopard som tilbehør så godt men kjolen er fantastisk!

Håper du ikke frøs for mye på nyttårsaften og at det går an å ha ullstrømper under kjolen - det må jo være den største fordelen med lang kjole :-) Ønsker deg et godt 2009 med spennende vintagefunn og mye motemoro!

Anonym sa...

nice fur!

Vertiginoso sa...

Or a statuesque expression of "Roaring GLAM" . . .
ps: Happy New Year to You too !!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Couture Carrie sa...

Stunning, darling!

Here's hoping your 2009 is fashionably fabulous, Silje!


Trendy Gourmandise sa...

I have enjoyed your blog so much in '08 !!!!!

viva '09!

happy new year !!!!

Trendy Gourmandise sa...

I have enjoyed your blog so much in '08 !!!!!

viva '09!

happy new year !!!!

Frøken Funky Farm sa...

Kanonfint antrekk!
Godt Nytt År!

Fashion Addict sa...

I have loved your blog all through 2008 and I do expect lots of more wonderful posts this year too! Happy New Year!

Marte sa...

Godt nytt år Silje :)

Kira Aderne sa...

Happy New Year friend!

I love animal print on you :)

a kiss and a hug,
My best wishes for you!


Frøken Funky Farm sa...

Tusen takk for kommentaren, hyggelig at du kikka innom! Sau og stil er en fin kombinasjon! ;)

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

You look beautiful and stylsih, as always. Happy new year to you! May 2009 bring great things to you and your blog :) Cheers!

WendyB sa...

Lovely leopard!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

that is a perfect new year look, happy 09 darling x

X sa...

bloggen og ser ganske hyggelig, lykkelig jul.
Hilsen fra Spania.

Anonym sa...

Gott nytt år Silje! Hope all is well and wish you all the best in 2009!

escritora sa...

very rachel zoe :)

happy new year!

Reena Rai sa...

The most fantastically fabulous outfit for NYE! I hope 2009 brings you everything you wish for

yiqin; sa...

The coat, the print, EVERYTHING. So beautiful! you are beautiful :) happy new year!

shimu's holiday sa...

Happy New Year!!
great style :)

Pan's Holiday

Anonym sa...

stunning looks and smile ...that's lasts long on the eyes of a viewer....

Justmel and my style sa...

WOW I love this outfit! so pretty!

Liz Lizo sa...

The outfit is incredible.