torsdag 12. juni 2008

How to be a successful ebayshopper

Heels bought on ebay for a fraction of price.

Etter forespørsel fra leserne lager jeg en liten ebay shopping guide. Når det gjelder å være en fornuftig ebayshopper, handler det mest om sunn fornuft.
1. Gå til ebay og registrer deg som ny bruker. Lag deg en brukerrid og passord, så har du en konto.
2. Så spør de deg om du vil lage en paypalkonto. DET vil du. Paypal er sikkert, du viser aldri betalingsinfo til kjøperen og det er gratis for kjøpere. Her trenger du en emailkonto og du lager et passord. Deretter legger du inn mastercardinfo og adresse. Etter det får du en email som du må bekrefte. Når det er gjort, er du klar for shopping.
3. Når du skal shoppe. Sjekk ALLTID selgerens feedback. Er det en powerseller? Jeg kjøper ikke fra noen med under 95 prosent bra feedback. Shipper de til Norge? Hvis ikke kan du alltids contact seller på høyresiden og spørre. Skulle uhellet være ute og du ikke får varen din, erstatter paypal deg(opp til et visst beløp), bare gå inn på siden deres for info. Du vil ikke kjøpe fra noen uten paypal, det er ikke sikkert.
4. Frakt og toll. Ofte overpriser ebayselgerne frakten fordi de bare gjør et overslag, det er lov å si ifra hvis du synes det er urimelig. Alt over 200 kroner legges på moms og frakt i Norge. Men ofte slipper pakker med litt verdi over dette igjennom fordi posten ikke har kapasitet til å sjekke alle pakker. Shipping rules for Norway.
5. Hvordan du gjør kupp: Hva søker du etter? På vintagekjoler får du feks opp 30.000 treff. Da lønner det seg å avgrense søket, med feks 50s vintage dress, hvis det er det du leter etter. Legg ikke inn budet før rett før auksjonen går ut, det er i det siste sekundene budrundene skjer. Går auksjonen ut på natten kan du bruke bid assistant, som byr opp til det maks budet du bestemmer. PS: du legger alltid inn et maksbud når du byr, men det kan hende du får varen for utgangsbudet og da blir det et bra kjøp!

Have gotten some questions from esteemed readers on how you order, manage an account and paypal. You ladies also seem to want to know how I find all these gems, so here is a little guide.
1. Go to ebay and create an account. 2.Then they ask you if you want a paypal account. You want that. Its safe, you never show any information to the seller and its free of charge to sign up. You type in your emailadress and password, then put in your mastercardinfo and shippingadress. Any buys you have will be credited to your mastercard. Voila, you are ready to shop!
3.Check sellers feedback, I dont order from sellers with less positive feedback than 95%. Most sellers will work with you to seal the deal. However, I find you also have a responsibilty as a buyer. Follow instructions and pay on time.
4.What are you looking for? Vintage dress gives 30.000 hits, so 50s vintage dress might give less. Its in those last moments of the bidding that everything happens. So, type in your max bid in the 3 last minutes or bid with bid assistant to increase your winning chances. Often you get the product for the original price, and thats how a great deal is done!
In the case of bad sellers: Paypal will refund you(up to a certain amount)if you have a paypal account, just contact them through their site.

35 kommentarer:

Marte sa...

Elsker ebay:)

EvaAmarri sa...

Hey thanks for the tipe

Sharon sa...

Good tips, Silje! Thanks so much for your lovely comment today-have a nice day too!

Ella Gregory sa...

I'm so bad on ebay
I've stoped trying, I don't trust the people!

Ida sa...

You do sound like a pro!! Amazing! How long have you been doing this??

I've never bought anything on Ebay, although I do look at the items you link up. I guess it's a matter of getting used to it to a certain extent.

Renate sa...

Ah, ebay er herlig:D Har endelig fått fikset paypal så nå handler jeg som om jeg er gal. Hihi.

Anonym sa...

Takk for tipsene! Nå blir det shopping ;-)

Cate sa...

thanks for the great guide to eBaying! but one thing i didn't understand: how does the PayPal work? does it work the same way as a credit card?

hanna sa...

dette hjalp meg masse silje, siden jeg fant nine west skoene men ikke skjønte noe av hvordan jeg skulle stole selgerne, eller hva jeg skal si. hehe :)

hanna sa...

stole på selgerne*

AlicePleasance sa...

Those shoes are gorgeous, lucky you!

Kira Aderne sa...

great tips.
thanks for the infos!

a kiss!!

Anonym sa...

what an informative post, and the shoes are unbelievable. can't wait to see pictures of you wearing them!

Elissa sa...

Rock on girl! Those are great tips!

annabananna sa...

great tips, silje! thanks.

Anonym sa...

thanks for the tips!

Siljesfashion sa...

Cait;paypal is a safe payment method. But you have to add your own credit card-mastercard to buy something. Then they charge you the amount you shop for. You need a credit card, visa or mastercard to sign up. Good luck!

Ingunn sa...

så fine sko :)

Lil Midget sa...

Great post Silje! Jag älskar ebay och har köpte månge vacker jox från 99cents! Underbar!!!

Times of Glory sa...

Great tips, Silje! You are brilliant! I seldom buy from eBay, as I had 1 terrible experience in the past... but will try for sure and follow your tips xx

Diva sa...

great buy. I love ebay.

Fashion-Obsessed! sa...

hey, i like your blog is v good. I was just wondering are you a freelance journalist and in what field? Im only 16 and want to be a fashion journalist so would love any tips
oh and check out my page, i only have a few blogs and its not much yet, tell me what you think at
thanks v much, plz comment

Anonym sa...

Hi dear :-)
Please join our contest sweetie ))) It has 2 prizes )))
You can find the rules here

Have a nice weekend.


Fashion-Obsessed! sa...

that would be great, thankyou. And thanks for your comment.
I will keep reading your blog

Anonym sa...

that would be great, thankyou. And thanks for your comment.
I will keep reading your blog

Danz sa...

I love ebay! I usually wait till the last minute to bid and I love the thrill of winning an item I really want. Great tips, I had to find out many things through trial and error.

Tricia sa...

good tips, do you sell on ebay also? any tips there?

Fashionably collaborative thought box sa...

ooooo beautifuuuuul shoes! - x

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola sa...

Beautiful shoes!
These sandals look like a pair of Sergio Rossi, available in sea green only!


oh yeah, you're on my blog :) check it! xx

Mónica sa...

thanks so much! it has been a very helpful reading. I hadn't bought anything on ebay yet, but I'll do it soon:)!

saray sa...

wow thanks for the info! really helpful!

the shoes are fab!!

Anonym sa...

Tusen takk for denne posten:)

Fashion Is Poison sa...

ohhh HOT shoes!

Anonym sa...

Jeg er førstegangsbruker på Ebay, nå i dag:-) Jeg bruker tipsene dine. Veldig bra blogg, forresten.
Jeg legger inn bud, men så får jeg med en gang beskjed om at noen byr over. De byr med 50 cent hver gang.
Betyr det da at de har lagt inn et autobud med en øvre grense? Eller er det noe feil?