mandag 23. juni 2008

Interview: Festival Fashion Advice

My festival style. Cut off jeans, braids
in your hair and wellies goes a long way.
Riktig god regnværsmandag!
Har blitt intervjuet av Kvinneguiden om festivalmote og saken kan du lese her. Vet det er mange av dere som skal på festivaler, så det er kanskje noen bra tips å ta med seg når dere skal pakke. Min tidligere post om festivalmote, er også verdt et besøk om du trenger shoppinginspirasjon.
Good morning to you all! I have been interviewed by another online magazine Kvinneguiden, about what to wear at festivals this summer. Great interview, the journalist who wrote it mentioned almost all of my advice. I was interviewed with fellow Norwegian blogger Sigrid. Good way to start of a rainy monday!

9 kommentarer:

Ella Gregory sa...

I really love the cut off jeans! They look great with the boots!

Anonym sa...

Love the outfit! The t-shirt is fab!

Pamcasso sa...

congrats on the interview! your shirt is funny!

Sharon sa...

Congratulations Silje!! You are doing so well with all of these intervirews-this is great news!

annabananna sa...

congrats on the interview! well done. and your outfit simply rocks!

Anonym sa...

love the outfit, never ceases to be awesome no matter how often i see it! congrats on the interview too, you deserve to be interviewed, you have a wonderful sense of style

Q8 fashionista sa...

so cute!!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

That's so exciting! Congrats! You look great!

Diana Coronado sa...

Lovely !!