Photo: allmoviephoto
Siste sjanse til å vinne Sex and the City billetter idag!! Husk at alt du trenger å gjøre er å sende inn et bilde av deg selv som en av jentene med en liten forklaring på hvorfor du ville gått som akkurat Carrie, Samantha, Miranda eller Charlotte før midnatt. Hvis du trenger litt inspirasjon kan du se på asos sine sider, hvor du kan shoppe i Carries skap. Er ikke det et drømmescenario, så vet ikke jeg. 1 dag igjen til premieren!!!!
1 day left for the premiere of SATC!!!!
And win those SATC tickets! I am accepting pictures untill midnight tonight. Unfortunately, this competition is for Norwegians only. But I wanted to let all you other girls know that asos is having a shop by Carries outfit in their online store. There is tons of great outfits similar to the ones she wears in the movie, only cheaper(lets face it, few of us can afford that wardrobe).So, if you liked her costumes, you might wanna check this out!
10 kommentarer:
I can't wait to see the winners! :)
I'm really looking forward to SATC... I'm in Japan right now, so we have to wait a little longer over here!
Lucky you! It's so unfair here in Spain! until the 20th of June, I am so angry!!
Avant-congratulations for the future winners:)
Jeg vil også se filmen, men har ikke fulgt så mye med på serien, så er ikke noe stress at jeg må se den akkurat i morgen :)
Ja, kanskje vi ses. Jeg skal på premieren i Sandvika, hvilke skal du på? :D
Skal på Klingenberg, det blir bra!
i gonna watch this weekend!
a kiss!
hi from Paris
unfortunately i only speak french and english
but as i see that you are a fan of Sex and the City, i wanted to alert you that i met Sarah JP in Paris and did great photos that may be you would like to see
have a look and enjoy !
i wish you a very nice evening
street style romancer in Paris
Oh they're so lucky! I have no idea when or even if the movie will come here to Barbados. I guess I may have to settle for a really bad copy online :(
ahhh i need that belt
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