Photo: apple
Elsker denne ipoden. Den er jo Rosa(!), har plass til all alle episoder av SATC og passer perfekt i vesken. Har du en? Tusen takk for alle de fine kommentarene om festivalinnlegget. Håper alle som skal på Norwegian Wood imorgen, får en knalldag med godt festivalvær! Tusen takk til studentstil for det utrolig hyggelige innlegget om stilen min.
I am loving this for so many reasons! Obviously its pink, it can hold all my favorite episodes of SATC and its perfect for my handbags. Do you have one? In what colour? Thanks for all you lovely comments on the festival fashion post! And thanks to studentstil for those lovely words about my style, I am truly moved.
19 kommentarer:
I have an ipod classic, ie the ones with 80 GB that hold like 10000 songs haha, currently it has like 2,500 songs. mine is silver, but there aren't many cool color options sadly :(
Jayne, thats cool, I am envious. This is on my wishlist!
My little Robert has this in silver but I'm really coveting an i phone-hubby has one, but they are expensive, so I don't think we can justify me having one as well! They take all my pictures, do videos, listen to music, be a phone-once you've seen it in action you won't want anything else!! Actually, remember the wedding day scene-its the phone one of the girls give to Carrie so she can ring Big and she looks at it and says I can't work that-give me a proper mobile!! But take my word it's ace!!
Sharon Rose, want one of those as well, haha!!
herlig, jeg elsker rosa OG SATC. perfect ;-*
I have a black 30 gig one, the regular size. it's really nice for exercising
Min iPod har kun 2gb, så jeg har ikke plass til noe som helst :p
ipod er et must!! min er azur blå å fiiiiin!! ;)
I am always so behind on phones, ipods, etc. I just can't convince myself my phone needs to do anything else besides allowing me to make&receive calls *lol* And I only have an mp3-player. Yeah, I can totally see I am the only one *lol*
Jeg har en "gammel" ipod nano, tror ikke at den kan spille av serier osv :-( Kanskje jeg skal bruke ferielønna til å investere i en rosa skjønnhet slik som denne :-)
ohh i want it.. but my mother won't buy me that ( i ruiend my 60 MG i-pod)!
i have a pink nano that's one year old (hence looks different then the one you posted). it has 4GB and is definitely too small for me. but i literally couldn't live without it :)
I am currently trying to decide whether to get a nano for its size and cool colors or the ipod classic with much much more memory. Argh!
i had the mini then changed it to ipod vid. i wish i waited for this one! cos it looks pretty convenient esp when working out, errands, etc. but the screen is kinda small and ipod vid's still better when travelling :)
i guess, if ur just gonna bring them arnd the city, like mp3 and rarely use the vids, get this one! :)
but im kinda eyeing ipod touch now, cos it has built-in wifi! :) haha the computer addict that i am! :)
Hei! oppdagen akkurat bloggen din. Du har en utrolig fin og feminin stil! hva jobber du med? som journalist sto det i profilen din. for hva/hvem da?
Klem Bella
I need one like that one... ! :D
I have the old iPod nano and the iPod Touch. They're both the regular color, but I prefer it that color as well. Because you can always have a cover that protects the iPod...
I can't afford one! However, they do seem very nifty!
Hei Bella,
Jeg jobber for tiden i Oslotv. Veldig hyggelig at du likte bloggen, håper du følger med videre!
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