onsdag 4. juni 2008

Are you a One Piece or a Two Piece girl?

Photos: 50s glam from netaporter and sugar candy from H&M.

Sommeren har offisielt startet og det er på tide å hente frem (den fryktede) bikinen fra ifjor eller shoppe for en ny. Jeg er en typisk bikinijente men elsker 50talls retro looken, som endel av badedrakten har i år. Personlig synes jeg badedrakten passer perfekt for en ferie i Cannes, som oser gammeldags Hollywood glamour og eleganse. Badedrakten er ypperlig til å gå fra bassenget til lunchen. Bare ta på deg et skjørt og noen armbånd så er du pyntet. Men la oss ikke glemme hvorfor jeg elsker bikinien. Den gjør det enklere å bli jevnere brun og er lettere å variere. I sommeren vil jeg kombinere alle bikinien mine om hverandre, for en avslappet og kul look på stranden. Elsker du bikini eller badedrakt? PS: Du kan fortsatt vinne SATCbilletter, se posten lengre ned.
Summer is here, and its time to either dive into your closet and find the bikini from last year, or go shopping for a new piece. While I am definitely a two piece girl, I love the retro looks from the 50s that characterizes this years one piece suits. If I was going to a glam place like Cannes, this summer, I would go for a one piece. Why? Its classy, sexy and has an old Hollywood glamour appeal. Throw on some bangles and a skirt and you a ready for classy lunch at the pool. But lets not forget why I love the two piece. Its easier to tan evenly, its more versatile, and I can mix the 5 ones I have with each other for a mixmatched look of different colours. Add a tunic, a sunhat and some enamel bracelets for a fun look. Maybe I will just have to give in and buy both a one piece and a two piece this year... What kind of girl are you? Do tell!

21 kommentarer:

Tuppene sa...

Jeg er definitivt en bikini-jente! Tror ikke jeg hadde følt meg vel i badedrakt av en eller annen grunn:) Men jeg syns badedrakt er veldig kult... vel å merke på andre:)

annabananna sa...

i am the same as you, silje: a two piece girl that loves the retro look of some one-pieces. i might have to get both, too.

Kira Aderne sa...

i love both!

a kiss!
check it out my new post!

Tuppene sa...

Tusen takk for ebay tipset! Skal inn å prøve nå:) Spennende, spennende!

Times of Glory sa...

I love both for various occasions, but no matter what I love retro touch even for the 2-piece ones!

Darling, your sweet words have pictured a gorgeous beach babe! How amazing! You must look great in 2-piece!

Sharon sa...

I love both!! A onepiece is highly versatile,though-love your picks!!

Blomsterplukker, vinterbarn. sa...

åh herreguuuguguhuhud. jeg må ha den bikinien. nå. OG den badedrakta. Jeg trodde badedrakter var teite, før nå. Simpelthen musthave.

Anonym sa...

Ja takk begge deler! Har allerede kjøpt en badedrakt på H&M i år, og skal ha en til fra La Senza.. Gleder meg vilt til stranden i Alicante enda jeg ikke er så glad i sand og bading:) Er det for sent å delta i konkurransen i morgen? :)

Love Amie<3

Ida sa...

I don't think a two-piece bikini can ever be as classy as a one-piece, but the terrible tan lines a one-piece bathing suit could inflict on you can are something I am willing to spare myself. Tough choice, Silje, tough:))

Nothing sa...

Hi! I tagged you if you want to do it. :)

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

I like the one and the two pieces swuimsuit, I love those one piece that goes vintage

Marte sa...

Jeg liker egentlig begge deler. Greit å kunne variere litt:)

Anonym sa...

I've been a two-piece gal forever, but I've been leaning towards my first one-piece purchase. Sexy, in a not-so-obvious way! Also, just wanted to let you know that I've tagged you, so please check out the guidelines on my blog if you're interested :)

Anonym sa...

hahaha yeah i know!
it feels good to be back... kinda.
but thanks for the comment.
it made me feel good about having to start all over again :)

can we trade links? {again}

and im normally a two-piece person, but this season im really liking the one-pieces with bits cut out in random places. hahaha.

WendyB sa...

I think it's much harder to find a one-piece that fits.

Lil Midget sa...

Hmmmm...Good question...Jag älskar bikini...Men jag är blyg ibland. :)

Charlotte sa...

I wear both! I love my polka-dot bikini, but I'm also looking for an tigers swimsuit and an 50s bikini.

Economy of Style sa...

I have also mostly worn two-pieces, but the new one pieces are so chic! I am going to give in and get one.

alis sa...

Two piece definitely. I have to get my belly tanned! Also I think 2 pieces are more youthful, and also better for your health (if you don't change a one piece immediately after you swim, your stomach catches cold and can cause a lot of problems).

Anonym sa...

I would like to join the majority and tell you that I love both )))

Elizabeth sa...

Two piece. Whether the world likes it or not. I have two Burberry bikinis from years ago that I still wear. Red and black.