mandag 16. juni 2008

Picture from SATC Premiere

Photo: Tonje Skjervold, ELLE
Mira fortalte at jeg var på ELLE sine nettsider fra SATC premieren. Tusen takk Mira!

Picture from the SATC premiere from the Norwegian ELLE website . Thanks to Mira for giving me the heads up!

21 kommentarer:

Kira Aderne sa...

you are really great friend,
i really would like to original field´s belt! a dream!

a kiss!


so pretty! how fun! <3

Mimi sa...

I personally think you're the best in the bunch ;) !!!


thank you <3

Anonym sa...

Så utrolig fint bilde av deg! :-)

Tricia sa...

love the dress and the color is so pretty on you!

..... sa...

u loook so good ! and your belt is perfect for your shape ! sexy lady

Fashion Critic sa...

girlfriend I need to steal your wardrobe.

I ADORE that dress so much.

Perfect for a the SATC premiere.

annabananna sa...

simply stunning, silje!

Elizabeth sa...

Wow, well done!

This color is so good on you. You're just a "blue" girl.

Economy of Style sa...

Great look! I love everything about it.

Anonym sa...

wow, absolutely ravishing! that blue is so perfect for such an event.

Wendy sa...

Beautiful dress!

Sharon sa...

Good Morning Silje and many happy returns of the day!! Congratulations on your birthday and I hope you have an excellent day! You looked stunning in this blue dress-a perfect choice for the SATC premiere!!
Thanks for your good advice on the Celine dress-I have decided to leave it as it is!! I value your advice and I agree cutting it is not an option-ha ha!!

Ida sa...

Happy birthday, Silje!! Wishing you all the best things life could offer, lots of lovely moments with your husband, and a wonderful time in Paris!

Mira sa...

Hehe ;) Of course! Du var bare helt fantastisk!

Fashion Addict sa...

you look great!

Anne sa...

Happy birthday, Silje! Jeg håber, du får en god dag :)

Anonym sa...

Gratulerer med dagen, Silje!

Vertiginoso sa...

"SATC Premiere's Party Girls" are a GLAMOROUS Team, and you are a perfect ambassadress (ps: your "fetish heels" are always captivating )!!!
ps: Mmmh Mmmh, Dear Silje, I repeat my "proposition" : It would be a Pleasure to be your French teacher before your journey in Paris !!! Or, Ce serait vraiment un plaisir d'être ton professeur de Français avant ton voyage à Paris !!!

A Bientôt,Antoine

Pamcasso sa...

love that dress!