tirsdag 3. juni 2008

Black on Black

Standing tall

Flower girl


all things beautiful

Still in love with those shoes

Photos: Kathrine Stenvaag
Skirt: H&M
Top: H&M
Belt: Express leather
Shoes: Blaze
Bangles: Vero Moda
Sunnies: H&M
Med kun 3 dager igjen til Norgespremieren på Sex and the City, tror jeg det er endel jenter som lurer på hva de skal ha på seg akkurat denne kvelden. Mitt råd er å gå for noe personlig og unikt, som feks en vintagekjole. Eller bygg antrekk et rundt tøffe høye gladiatorsko og korte skjørt. Det er sikkert mange venninner som skal gå og se denne filmen sammen. Bestevenninner bør tas godt vare på, så sørg for å melde deg på konkurransen min om SATC billetter. Kanskje blir du den heldige vinneren?

Loving the black on black idea. The leather belt is a couple of years old, but still so classy. I love black and always try to combine it in different styles. I am of course trying out different looks for the upcoming premiere of SATC. I like this outfit because it channels playful with an attitude. Thanks for all your sweet comments! I will try to catch up with questions and tags this week.

31 kommentarer:

Kira Aderne sa...

you are so perfect!
love those shoes, amazing! love the nude color!

a kiss!!!

Miss at la Playa sa...

I love black, I hate when people tell me that I shouldn't wear black in summer.
They know nothing about fashion :)

Dotti sa...

Silje, I'm not a great black lover, but this combination is determined to be a seducer, really. You look brilliant in it.

Anonym sa...

Oh those nude colored shoes look lovely :). Great outfit!

Sharon sa...

This outfit looks really lovely Silje-the embroidery on the skirt and the sandals really showcase the whole look!!

annabananna sa...

silje, you look so pretty! the whole outfit is really beautiful, can't pick out a favorite piece. congrats!

Vertiginoso sa...

Stylish Pastoral Féline !!! Black is Timeless, with the Flowers for the delicate "Folk-issime" touch . . .
The belt builds the silhouette, and You have a true imposing presence of Model !!!

A Bientôt, Antoine

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola sa...

You looks so stylish and gorgeous, as Carrie Bradshow, Silje!
Perfect outfit for look SATC at cinema.


Anonym sa...

black on black is always a winning combination, making one look slim and chic. and, to make you seem even taller, those nude shoes are to die for! beau-tiful!

Elissa sa...

Lookin' HOT girl! I like this outfit, sexy but simple.

nv sa...

Love that dress! and the shoes are really nice

Hilde N sa...

Igjen, utrolig stilig antrekk!!! Ser definitivt mer ekslusivt ut enn HM!!!

Anonym sa...

Wow I dunno what it is about that belt, but it really does make the entire outfit come together, I guess it adds a nice bit of edge

Mónica sa...

you live in such a beautiful place! great landscape, and of course, great outfit;)!

Richel sa...

the shoes are great. they probably go with everything!

Economy of Style sa...

I love the black on black too...very cool look!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Black on black is terrific, but my eyes go immediately to those nude shoes--stunning!

Danz sa...

Gorgeous outfit Silje! Even with the black on black, it still manages to look girly and fun!

Auntie Tati sa...

If I had those shoes, I would propably have to wear them in my hands, so that I could watch them all the time ;)

Pinton sa...

kjempe fint!

Mira sa...

Du ser pefekt ut som vanlig, Silje <3 Love it!

AlicePleasance sa...

Love the belt on that dress and the shoes are truly amazing!

Anonym sa...

Så utrolig fantastisk, perfekt og alle andre synonymer!

Shes Dressing Up sa...

Love this look - the best especially is gorgeous!

Pamcasso sa...

love this look on you- super flattering, and the nude heels are unexpected with the black and floral dress. Very Carrie I think:)

carokal sa...

Herlig antrekk :-)

Tuppene sa...

Flott antrekk! Kan ikke vente til fredag nå, men aner ikke hva jeg skal ha på meg...

Renate sa...

Nydelig antrekk!:D

NewlyInspired sa...


Always In Style sa...

Aye, those shoes - sheer perfection, esp. in that neutral color!

Elizabeth sa...

Incredible. What's so great here is that you let the black rule. The choice of nude shoes is so superb, they don't interfere with the impact of the black, and they elongate your already perfectly long legs!