tirsdag 17. juni 2008


Rocking it and ready for that champagne!

I am in love with my new vintage necklace.
Jacket: H&M
Skirt: H&M Bandeau used as skirt
Tshirt: Gina Tricot
Shoes: Jessica Simpson
Bag: Vintage Dior
Necklace: Gift
Et år eldre, et år klokere. Er det ikke slik det går? Føler meg egentlig ikke så forskjellig fra ifjor, men livet har iallefall forandret seg relativt mye. Har hatt en flott dag så langt, med deilig lunch i solskinnet, gaver og mange bursdagshilsner. Tusen takk for alle de hyggelige kommentarene og meldingene! Det eneste skåret i gleden, var et besøk til tannlegen, men sånt skjer.
Naboen står for bursdagsmiddagen, så jeg er i gode hender. Det eneste jeg bringer er champagnen og den er selvfølgelig rosa..

One year older, one year wiser. Is not that how the song goes? I am happy to say that I do not feel that different from last year. Many people regard new years as a new beginning. I myself, find birthdays to hold some of the same meaning. As I look back at this year, there have been ups and downs, and I wonder what this new year has in store for me. Lots of happiness and joy, thrill and excitement, is what I hope for. Life, with a twist, thats how I like it.
I have had a wonderful day so far with my husband, who gave me a beautiful necklace from the 70s(he knows me well, what can I say). I was treated to a nice lunch in the sun, and got some other great gifts as well. Tonight my lovely neighboors are treating me to a birthdaydinner. The only thing I am bringing is the Champagne, which of course is pink...
Thanks to all of you wonderful girls(and boys) who has congratulated me already, I am truly moved by all your wonderful thoughts and wishes.

On the menu tonight:
Dinner: Tapas
Dessert: Vanillapannacotta and strawberries
Drink: Moet Rose Champagne

34 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

I'm drooling at tonights menu-I wish I was there-ha ha!! Have a wonderful end to a wonderful day, dear Silje, my Gemini cybertwin-ha ha!!

Monique sa...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday!

carokal sa...

Gratulerer med dagen, Silje!

Renate sa...

Gratulerer massemasse med dagen! Du ser stunning ut:D

Kira Aderne sa...

really fancy!
this skirt is my fav. right now!

a kiss!!!

Nothing sa...

Cute outfit! I love the T.

Dotti sa...

Party like a birthday girl is supposed to, sweet and so fresh looking Silje. Happy birtday and a kiss.

Pinton sa...

grattis med dagen!

Reena Rai sa...

Amazingly chic outfit. Happy birthday!

Anonym sa...

Gratulerer masse med dagen!! :-)

annabananna sa...

happy birthday, dear silje! i hope you had a great day, and the menu of your birthday dinner sounds just delicious. love your outfit!

Kimberley sa...

I LOVE the vintage dior.


Salatbolla sa...

Gratulerer med dagen 17.juni!! =) ett år eldre ja. jadde jo bursdag i dag jeg også.. thihi

WendyB sa...

Happy birthday!

Wendy sa...

Happy Birthday! The way you paired a blazer with a tshirt is quite inspiring.

Elizabeth sa...

What a great birthday outfit!

I LOVE that gray top.


Ida sa...

I hope you did have a fabulous time because you totally looked fabulous! I love those shoes, seriously.

Happy you got a wanted present. It's so nice when your half is nothing more or less than just that!

Fashion Addict sa...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a great time at dinner.

Anonym sa...

Happy Birthday, Silje!

Luxe. sa...

Happy birthday and I love your bag!

hanna sa...

gratulerer med overstått silje :D

Anonym sa...

Happy birthday!

How old are now?

Vikkebekke sa...

Gratulerer, litt på etterskudd. Det er utrolig som tiden flyr av sted. Nyt hver eneste dag :)


Happy Birthday!!
love those shoes, bag & blazer ♥

Madame Dior sa...

lovely outfit =]

Anonym sa...

Utrolig utrolig pent! Gratulerer med dagen! :)

Anonym sa...

you are definitely one of my favorite bloggers that includes photographs. you just look so happy, relaxed and fashionable! way too many girls end up looking depressed and morbid, all slumped down. way to represent, you look great doing it!

Fashion Is Poison sa...

cutest clutch ever. i'm jealous!

Mira sa...

Gratulerer med dagen som var, Silje! Som vanlig, så du bra ut!

Lil Midget sa...

Gratulerar på födelsedag Silje!

Siljesfashion sa...

Thank you all so much for those kind words, I had a great day!!

Tusen takk for alle de hyggelige gratulasjonene!

Diana Coronado sa...

Hehe happy b.rthday !!

Nice outfit

Mónica sa...

sorry for the delay!! happy birhtday!!

Fashion Tidbits sa...

happy birthday~i know i'm late!