onsdag 18. juni 2008

The Necklace

Bilde av smykket mannen min gav meg til bursdagen min. Det er fra Esaia Solberg i Kirkeristen, og er fra 70 tallet. Elsker stilen og vintagefølelsen på dette kjedet. Det jeg liker med Esaia er at de har unike ting, det er billigere enn vanlige gullsmeder og de har alltid et godt utvalg av brukte og nye smykker i butikken. Butikken er en godt gjemt hemmelighet i bransjen og mange fashioninsiders shopper her. Anbefaler dere en tur hit hvis dere er på jakt etter smykker som er one of a kind..

The necklace my husband gave to me for my birthday is from the 70s. Its gold and black enamel, very typical of this style. Its from one of my favorite stores in Oslo, Esaia Solberg who has a great collection of both vintage and new jewelry. A store I recommend if you ever visit Oslo.

20 kommentarer:

Dotti sa...

It's soooooo beautiful! And so you. Please, let us see it when worn by you.

Molly :] sa...

Thats stunning!
Nice necklaces are so hard to find these days so your husband did really well! x

Mimi sa...

That's beautiful - it reminds me of something my grandma had...and something I had too. Oh great, now you're gonna make me go search for it!! hehe
Very beautiful and thoughtful gift - brownie points for him ;)

Sharon sa...

Wow, this is an absolutely gorgeous piece-AND vintage-you are a lucky gal, Silje! Keep it close to your heart, a beautiful treasure!!

Marte sa...

oh, så utrolig fint smykke Silje:)

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

You're sooo lucky, that's one of a kind necklace, and it's vintage!

*~The World is My Catwalk~* sa...

Wow! I love vintage necklaces!! Lucky you!!

Vikkebekke sa...

Det var veldig pent. Synes det piffer opp å bruke smykke til antrekket. Tror ikke det er en eneste vintage butikk her i nærheten, men en dag skal jeg besøke en ;)

Ida sa...

It is just precious! And actually priceless as it is a gift from a loved person. So nice:)

Elizabeth sa...

Perfect for you. I'd love to see it on!

Anonym sa...

ooo gorgeous, lucky girl!

Wendy sa...

Its stunning, what a sweet husband.

Hanne sa...

Nydelig kjede:)

Miss at la Playa sa...

he's got good taste! :) I love the necklace, so romantic

Lady Melbourne sa...

Silje that is one of the most beautiful gifts I've ever seen, you must treasure it. How thoughtful of him, I might make it to Oslo later in the year and I will make sure I find the shop!

Style Spot sa...

for et nydelig smykke ! Esaia Solberg må definitivt sjekkes ut. Tusen takk for tipset. Og jeg må dessuten si gratulerer med dagen som var på tirsdag! Hørtes ut som du hadde en fantastisk dag, og det fortjener du!


Fashion-Obsessed! sa...

Hey, oh my gosh i want that necklace, it's absolutely gorgeous!!!!
Your lucky to have a husband that buys you things like that!
Check my new post

Pamcasso sa...

very pretty! Your husband did well! also, I like the shirt you wore on your birthday- it almost looks like a tattoo. Happy Birthday!!

annabananna sa...

that's the perfect present for you, silje! so beautiful...

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

What a beautiful gift, I hope your birthday was fabulous!