fredag 13. juni 2008

Summer Looks

Photo: Instyle
To av mine stilikoner i kule sommerantrekk. SJP ser utrolig bra ut i denne blomsterkjolen med hudfargede pumps og veske. Nicole Richie kan vel egentlig bære det meste. Elsker denne vintagekjolen hun har på her i den nydelige gule sommerfargen. Solbrillene gir antrekket et ekstra thouch av retro. Perfekt for lange sommerdager. Håper dere fikk noen gode ebaytips i forrige innlegg, en lignende kjole skal iallfall jeg lete etter nå...

Two of my favorite ladies in lovely looks for summer. SJP looks classy as usual, its hard to believe when she says she cant do her own make up and put together outfits! The nude pumps and bag makes this flower dress stand out. Nicole Richie is looking good in her vintage yellow dress/romper. Those sunglasses and the colour are a perfect match for this years popular retro look. I need to find me one of my own...Ebay here I come! Hope I helped out on some issues with ebay and that you feel you got some good advice.

14 kommentarer:

Couture Carrie sa...

I looooove nude shoes . . . such an easy way to elongate the leg; strapy skin-tone sandals are so flattering. And it's nice to see SJP without ultra-styled hair and makeup as well. When is your Paris trip, btw?

Siljesfashion sa...

Its very soon, so I have started to mind pack already. Hard to pick out, but I am thinking my vintage dresses for night and jeans with hippie blouses for day. Depending on the weather!

Marte sa...

Likte veldig godt antrekket til SJP! Søt kjole:)

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

Love the Nicole romper, is sooo beautiful and feminine

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-yes Nicole's looking really cute here-I'm sure you can find something to top that!! Have a lovely weekend!


you're welcome :)
thanks for inspiring! x

Ida sa...

SJP is always an inspiration, really. Her dress is divine!
And lately Nicole Richie has been a true style icon to me. It just took me some time to learn to perceive her seriously since her Simple Life days.

saray sa...

I really like nicole's outfit!
that romper is perfect!

annabananna sa...

sjp looks great as ever, and i am in love woth nicole richie's romper. i don't think i could pull it off, though. have a great weekend!

Anonym sa...

these are two great looks for these lovely ladies...and i've added you to my blogroll! have a fabulous weekend. xo

Kira Aderne sa...

i love her and her body, all goes great on her!

a kiss!

Pamela Tan sa...

ilove nicole in so many ways :) both are style icons! :):)

Mira sa...

Elsker det antrekket ditt Nicole Richie der ;)

Economy of Style sa...

Nicole Richie looks amazing!